Chapter 15

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5 years ago.

I lifted my leg up for a high kick but Bianca grabbed my leg and shoved it away. I aimed a punch at her face and while she deflected that, used my left arm to punch her stomach. She grunted and stepped back in pain and I used the opportunity to try another high kick. This time, I managed to kick her face. She tumbled to the ground and I straddled her waist. I punched her face repeatedly.

"You took everything from me."

"I trusted you, and you betrayed me." Tears poured down my cheeks and the force of my punches slowly reduced.

"I would do it again. Just to see the look on your pitiful face when you realized that you are the reason they are dead." Bianca slug out. 


Looking down at my leg, I saw my tights darken as they were drenched in my blood. I fell to Bianca's side and put pressure on the wound.

Bianca bent over coughing out blood as she moved away from me. "Hurts like a bitch doesn't it?" Bianca asked, her teeth covered in blood.

"Don't worry, this won't be the last time you feel it".

Present day

"Well done Sky." I whispered to my self as I attempted to walk. 

You would think after being shot so many times I would be used to it by now.

Bracing myself against the wall, I slowly stood up and begin limping. My leg was throbbing. If I lost anymore blood, I would probably pass out.




Bending down, I grab the gun by my ankles and point it in the direction of the gun shots.

"Capo?" I hear Leo's voice right before he turns the corner and saw me.

Thank you Lord. I thought as my breathing began to quicken

He quickly jogged to my side with a concerned look on his face.

"Leo, you are getting a promotion."

Leonardo chuckles as he put one of my arms around his shoulder. Three of my men were right behind him checking our surroundings. We quickly moved towards the back entrance with me trying to move as fast as I can. I clenched my jaw trying to keep my composure as my thigh hurt like hell.

Looking outside, I saw one car left. "The others have already gone to the Cave," Leo answered before I had even asked the question. Nodding my head, we picked up speed as we tried to reach the car. Looking ahead, I saw a glimpse of a head behind a nearby tree. I handed my gun to Leo, pulled out a dagger from my bun and threw it. A body fell to the ground with a dagger impaled into its forehead. Leo smirked and handed me back the gun before turning around and frowning.

Without warning, he placed his arm behind my thighs and lifted me up.

"Fuck." I cursed feeling the increased pain in my thigh. Leo squeezed us out of the hole he had cut earlier as the other men shot at the army of men following us. Throwing me into the car, he yelled for the men to get in.

The driver started the car as they made their way in. Two men were shot down before getting into the car and the last one was shot in the shoulder.

"You're bleeding out!" Leo yelled bringing my attention back to him. He pulled off his shirt revealing multiple scars and new wounds that looked like cuts. He ripped his shirt open and tied it around my wound. "Argh!" I cried in agony balling my hands into fists. I blacked out from the pain, but woke up the minute Leo attempted to carry me out of the car.

"We called Camillo to the Cave so that he can treat you."

"Dom is going to go on a killing spree."

I wasn't sure who said it but for some reason it made me jolt with excitement.

Was it weird that Dom wanting to avenge my poor thigh made me horny?

Leo placed me on a bed in the med bay and Camillo immediately started tending to my wounds. "You just had to get shot." He whined sarcasticly cutting my jeans to remove the bullet.

"Yes hey, because getting shot was always on my to do list." I breathed out with a smile on my face. Camillo grinned back at me before sticking a twisters into my thigh.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled covering my eyes with my elbow.

V ran in taking in the scene. "I got everyone out." she informed me handing Camillo a bottle of vodka which he poured on the wound. I wanted to punch something. That shit was excruciatingly painful. I looked to V and only then did I notice her ripped shirt and blood on the side of her stomach. She flinched as she moved but her face looked calm and composed.


She looked at me and followed my eyes to her bleeding side. She looked back at me and I could see the nerves she was trying to hide.

"How bad is it?" I asked.

"It's just a scratch we need to take care of you-"

"Veronica! How bad is it?" I demanded more forcefully.

Marcos poked his head through the door looking at her wound. He looked pained. Like he was stopping himself from coming towards her and holding her close. The look they shared told me something was going on but I couldn't deal with that right now.


Releasing a strained breath, she responded. "It was a poisoned dagger. I'm not sure what kind of poison but it's spreading fast. I can feel it."

Marcos held the door hand so hard that I thought it would fall off. I could see the rage. The need to kill. He was a ticking time bomb.

"Marcos, I'm ok. I promise I will be ok." V walked towards him and placing her hand on his face trying to reassure him. Marcos cupped her face and kissed her like he was scared she would vanish from existence.

"Well shit." I whispered as my vision began to blur.

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