Chapter 46

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Camillo and I settled down in his living room with a glass of scotch in our hands.

"How do you feel about getting married?" I asked, getting straight to the point.

Camillo paused for a moment before composing himself and replying. "Depends, who's the girl."

"Catalina Marino. She is the daughter of Manuele Marino and our ticket to an alliance." 

"You want to arrange a marriage between me and the daughter of the Marino Capo?"


"Why me? Why not any one of our other cousins?"

"They are either too old or lack the patience for this fragile girl."


"Fear radiated of her body like nuclear gases."

"Why the hell do I have to deal with her?"

"Because you can."

Camillo granted before reluctantly agreeing.

"When do I meet her?"


"Great." he responded sarcastically.


The next day, Manuele sent us the meeting time and location for us to finalize all the agreements. It was no surprise that he wanted us in his territory this time instead of ours. The last time we met, this almost escalated. So his need to be in his territory made sense.

Camillo got a chance to speak to Catalina whilst Manuele and I agreed on which territories each of us reserved. The soldiers chose which team to join and the ones that refused dealt with the FBI on their own.

From the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but notice the tension that radiated from Alessandro every time Camillo got close to her. Was I just seeing things or should I be worried?

It was probably nothing, I should focus on the deal making. Hours later, we headed out of Manuel's mansion with everything agreed upon including the wedding date and engagement party. Now all we had to do was wait.

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