Chapter 29

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Lorenzo was in the med bay being treated by Camillo. So far, he seemed to be stable. Camillo told me not to hold my breath because he had been through shit. He might not fully recover. But I had hope.

I handed Marcos the test tube and told him to let the chemist look at it before giving Veronica incase it wasn't the cure. Lorenzo had said he gave Cole the cure on our way here but we needed to be sure.

After everything was settled, I called Manuel Marino, the head of the Marino clan. We agreed on a day to meet up so that the terms of our alliance would be discussed. Everything was going according to plan so far and I prayed they continued to go that way.

Camillo forced me to get checked in case I ripped my stitches... which I did. I was so full of adrenaline that I hadn't even realized it. He stitched me back up and threatened to murder me if I ripped them again. After agreeing to be careful, I made my way to Dom's room.

I knocked on his door and waited but no one answered. I pushed the door open and peaked in. Dom was sitting on his bed with his arms on his legs. He was looking at the ground unmoved.

Slowly, I walked in and shut the door.

"I'm sorry" I start.


"Dom-"he jumped up and stalked towards me. His anger radiated out of him as he stood right in my face.

"No. You fucking drugged me and left me here. I let my guard down and you took advantage of it. Don't fucking come here and say you are sorry because I know you don't regret it."

"I regret it because I hurt you. Because I had to betray your trust."

"You didn't HAVE to do anything."

"You wouldn't have let me go! I had to save Lorenzo no matter how risky it was."

"You're not the only one that wanted to save him Sky. Do you think I wanted him to die? I wanted to find a safe way to do it, but you wouldn't let me."

"Im here though. I'm safe can't you see?"

I attempted to hold his arm but he stepped out of my reach. My heart ached as he put more distance between us.

"You need to go."

"Dom, don't do this..." I pleaded stepping towards him.

"Leave. Now!" he yelled more forcefully.

I walked backwards towards the door hoping he would stop me, but he didn't.

I had only made it halfway to the kitchen before Angelica yelled my name.

"Camillo needs you in the lab. Now."

The minute I got into the lab; Camillo wasted no time.

"The bullet that shot Lorenzo, it was laced with Thallium."


The same poison that infected V was now used on Lorenzo. We only had one cure. The only one that Bianca hadn't destroyed. Which meant I had to chose between Lorenzo and Veronica. I had to chose between my father and my best friend.

"Save Veronica" That's what Lorenzo had instructed when I told him.

He didn't even hesitate. I shouldn't have been surprised seeing as it was him. The man that always wanted to be the hero. He always had to be selfless. It was as if he was making up for not being able to save my parents. I hated it. I always had.

I tried to fight him. To fight for him but he wouldn't allow it.

So, I ran.

I got on my motorcycle and drove all the way to the edge of a cliff.

I knew Camillo was already ordered to give V the cure and I didn't want to be there for it. Lorenzo only had a few days to live. A few days before I lost him forever.

And it was all my fault... again.

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