Chapter 33

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My eyes slowly opened, and I found myself staring at a broad chest. A heavy weight rested on my waist. Looking down, I saw Dom's muscular arm resting there. I blinked away the sleep and turned around to look at the clock on my dresser.


"Well shit." I whispered

I felt numb. Everything in me screamed vengeance but I couldn't break. I couldn't blindly attack because then nothing would be effective.

'Even when you are angry you need to stay calm. Use that anger don't let it control you. Fighting blindly gets you killed so channel the anger and think before you act.' That's what Lorenzo always said. And he was right, like always.

Slowly, I attempted to climb off the bed but Dom tightened his hold on my waist keeping me in place.

"I need to get water" I said struggling to get out of his grasp.

"Hmmm" he protested. "Come back ok babe?" He said as he loosened his grip.

My heart swelled as I replayed how deep and husky his voice sounded when he called me 'babe.' I could really get used to this.


I walked out of the room towards the kitchen trying to avoid putting a lot of pressure on my leg. I hoped I would find something sweet to eat. I needed a bit of happiness to brighten my mood.

"Sky- I- I mean Boss." Veronica mumbles as she slides off the counter. Her head tilts forward avoiding my eyes. She was wearing a blue gown and navy-blue slippers. Her hands contained a liter of chocolate ice cream with a spoon instead.

"Continue. Don't let me stop you" I said bluntly before heading to the fridge.

I grabbed three yoghurts of the same flavor and began eating. I was aware of V staring at me. She stayed quiet and didn't move a muscle. My back was faced towards her, so I wasn't sure what she was thinking but I knew I didn't want to deal with it today.

Quickly, I placed the other two yogurts into my jacket pockets and headed for the door.

"I'm sorry!" she yelled after me.

I stopped in my tracks but stayed facing the door. "For what?"

"For lying to you, for being careless and getting poisoned, for doubting that you would let Marcos and I stay together when you found out. But mostly, I'm sorry about Lorenzo. I'm sorry you lost him too."

I turned my head upwards trying to keep the tears inside my eyes.

"If I had been more careful- "

"Don't!" I cut in. "Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over."

V kept quiet after that. She still wasn't looking at me. I guess that was my fault. I was still angry, but I needed to let it go. It was self preservation and it never affected anyone else. But I hated secrets, and she knew it.

"I make it a point not to forgive liars. One strike and you are out" Veronica held her breath as I spoke. The atmosphere grew suffocatingly tense. "But, you have proved yourself more than once. So, I will make an exception just this once. Don't make lying to me a habit because next time, you won't be so lucky." Her body relaxed as she thanked me. I turned towards her and watched as a small smile formed on her face.

"Get some rest and heal, I don't need Marcos breaking any more punching bags" V chuckled and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Why did you tell her?" Marcos whined, entering the kitchen.

He placed his arm around her shoulder and tucked her to his side. He looked at me and mouths a thank you. Nodding my head, I turn to leave.

Turning back quickly, I call out, "Oww and V?" She turns her head to me shaking for me to continue. "He chose to save you. Make it worth it."

A wave of seriousness washed over us as a silent understanding was made.

I walked back to my room and shut the door quietly. After devouring my yogurts, I place them on the dressing table and walk towards the bed. I slowly got on it taking care for my leg. Dom turned towards me and watched as I got into the blankets. He moved closer and lay his arm on my stomach before falling asleep again. I planted a kiss on his forehead before closing my eyes.

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