Chapter 14

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"My wheel went through the gates first so I won!" I exclaimed as we made our way to the main door of the Cave.

"I call bullshit. I parked first so-"

"You little shit. That's not how it-" A shiver went down my spine as we entered the Cave.

"What is it?" Dom asked scanning my worried face.

"Something is wrong."

"Boss!" Marcos yelled as he ran towards us.

"Tipsy Gamble was just lit on fire." He cautiously showed me the building on his iPad.

"Fuck." Dom cursed behind me.

"Any casualties?" I asked emotionless.

"About 10 of our men were put into vans and the cops say they found 6 dead in the building." Marcos responded getting tense. I looked at him, analysing his stance. He looked scared. I knew there was something he wasn't telling me and judging by his expression I wouldn't like it.

"Spit it out."

Don't attack him.

Whatever it is, Do Not kill Marcos.

"Federico Caruso was spotted by our cameras at Tipsy Gamble. He smiled at the camera as our men were being put into the van"

Didn't he say Federico was staying in doors? Weren't we meant to be tracking his every move? There was no way in hell that he could have gotten to the casino without at least one camera alerting us.

Now I understood why Marcos thought I was going to kill him.

I really wanted to but unfortunately he was useful.

Breathing in through my nose, I walked away.

"Call Leonardo and Veronica." I instructed as they followed me into the tech room.

"Find out where our men were taken. Marcos, you will be our eyes and ears. I will go in with V, Leo and Dom. The fewer people the better. We can't afford to do a big attack, we need the man power for something else."

"Call our mole in the police station and tip them off on one of the Caruso drug factories. Preferably the one where most of their drugs are made. And burn their coca field."

I turned around and headed for the armory as Marcos made the necessary calls.

"Planning in less than a minute? I don't know why I'm still surprised after all these years." Dom whispered as he grabbed his weapons. He looked proud, amused and impressed at the same time. There was a lingering emotion at the back of his eyes. Like he was stopping himself from doing... something.

I ignored it and grabbed four guns placing them by my waist, ankle and 2 behind my back. I pinned a retractable dagger to my wrist and one to my ankle. Tying my hair into a messy bun, I pushed two daggers into the bun.

Looking behind me, I saw Dom leaning against the wall staring at me with a huge smirk on his face. "Whatever you are thinking about, keep it to yourself. I'm way too pissed to deal with it right now." I stated walking out of the door with his footsteps following close behind. I got into the elevator that took us to Spada on the surface where we met V and Leo.

"If you see the Caruso Don, let him go." I stated as we left the club.

I got into a car with a V while Leo got into a car with Dom. "Go straight till you reach the traffic light then turn right" Marcos instructed through the ear pieces.


An hour later, we parked our cars directly infront of the Caruso safe house. Leo began cutting the fence as we scanned our surroundings. The hairs on my arms rose seconds before a grenade launcher was fired towards our cars. "Go!" I yelled and we ran through the hole in the fence. The cars exploded and the impact caused us to lose our balance.

My ears rang and my eyesight went blurry. I shook my head trying to regain my focus as I stood. I removed my ear pierce and staggered for cover behind the building's walls.  V followed me towards the wall with a gun in her hand. When I looked around, we couldn't see the boys.

V tapped my shoulder and pointed at a door right next to us. Nodding my head, I pulled out my gun from the holster on my waist and followed her. The minute we opened it, guns were blazing. V and I hid on either side of the door as the goons continued to aimlessly shoot. I watched as V pulled a grenade from her jacket pocket and threw it through the doors. I covered my ears as it exploded before walking in with my gun raised.

V planted herself on my back pointing the gun behind us as I lead the way infront. My ears returned to normal as we moved through the house. The  sound of guns came from the other end of the building.

"I think they are shooting at the boys." V whispered looking in the direction I was.

My heart skipped a beat as I worried about Dom... and Leo. I hoped they were ok.

"Come on, we need to find our men." I raised my gun higher and moved forward. We opened three doors and found them empty. The fourth door was locked. Nodding our heads, we kicked the door simultaneously causing it to break.

Inside the room, 9 men sat on the ground beat up and bruised. The minute they saw us, they stuggered to their feet.

"I thought there were 10 of you?" I asked counting again.

"They burnt him." One of the men stated. I clinched my hands into fists trying to contain my anger. This was not the time for emotional decisions.

"Let's go." Before we could get out of the door, a bullet flew right infront of my face.

"Shit!" I yelled getting back into the room.

"Oh for crying out loud!" V complained already firing back.

I handed two of my guns to the less bruised men that began shooting back instantly. I looked out of the window trying to find a way out. We needed a get away plan. We had no cars and we were out numbered. I was hoping Marcos was already sending backup but we couldn't bank on that.

"Did any of you see if there was a garage where they keep their cars." I asked looking back at them.

"Yes. On the other side of the house."

"Won't the cars have trackers?" V commented.


I didn't think of that. They could know we would try steal a car. So it's either we would be ambushed in the garage or the car would lead them straight to the Cave.

"Boss!" one of the men exclaimed pointing outside the window. Five cars pulled up infront of the house. About 20 people got out of each of the cars and began shooting their way into the house.

"Marcos you gorgeous son of a bitch." Veronica shrieked with an adoring look on her face.

Well... that's suspicious. I thought internally.

"Come on we need to meet them hall way-" my movements froze instantly the minute I saw her.


She ran right infront of the room we were in holding a dagger in her hands.

Don't do it.

Don't do it.


"Take the men through the back entrance towards the cars." I told V as I ran after Bianca.

"Sky!" Veronica yelled after me but I didn't stop.

This ends now.

Bianca picked up speed as I caught up to her. I stopped in my tracks aiming my gun at her head. I fired a minute after another shot was fired. The bullet hit my thigh causing my shot to only graze Bianca's cheek.

"Fucking hell!"

I braced myself on the wall as my blood began to flood the floor. Bianca looked back at me with a smirk on her face even as pain glazed her eyes. "Hope to see you soon Sky" she muttered  before going left.

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