Chapter 41

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Walking into the restaurant, I looked around until I spotted Bianca. The minute she spotted me, Bianca tried to bolt for the door but stopped short on her tracks when she saw the three bikers through the glass windows of the restaurant.

Slowly, she sat back down, a frustrated look on her face. I sat opposite her and watched as she glared at me. I watched as Bianca grew angrier. She clenched her fingers together restraining herself.

Suddenly, she flashed her teeth at me and had the biggest smile known to humanity. I was sure her cheeks would hurt for days after that.

"It's not too late to switch sides you know that right? Join me and we could take Sky down together."

"And why would I do that?" I asked, amusement clear in my voice.

"Because I can give you a better life than she ever can."

"Oh yeah?"

"I can get you a large army of men that follow your orders, you get higher pay and I'm sure your family would love to have you back if you help me kill Sky."

Letting out a humourless laugh, I leaned in and whispered, "I'm good." And leaned backwards supporting myself with the back of the chair.

"You are on the wrong side." Bianca's bitter tone flowed towards my ears in a hushed whisper. Her hatred grew with every second.

"And you chose to fuck with the wrong family." I said, my own rage growing.

"Sky doesn't care about you. You are just her guard dog that she can control whenever she wants."

"And you are just a puppet to your father's games."

Bianca seemed startled by my suggested knowledge of the truth. Choosing to roll with it, I leaned in to whisper my next words.

"What do you think your men would say when they found out you killed their Capo just so your father could take over. That you killed your beloved uncle just for your father's selfish desire for power? Hmmm?"

Bianca frantically looked around looking completely scared. The revelation of her actions flooded her mind. She looked back at me with panic in her eyes.

"How do you know that." She asked

"You told Cole who was so kind as to tell me. He also gave us the names of your suppliers and any other information we asked for."

Hurt flashed through Bianca's eyes before it turned into rage.

"Hurts to get betrayed doesn't it?" I asked suggestively.

She turned her head away from me. Slowly, I stood up and walked towards her.

"Come with me quietly and I won't shoot you."

Her eyes narrowed. I could tell she was about to call my bluff but changed her mind when she saw someone behind me. Scanning the crowd, she noticed that everyone was watching us. That's when she realized everyone in here worked for the Silvestris. That meant shooting her out here in public, was an


She reluctantly stood up and followed me into the black BMW parked outside.

Let the games begin.

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