Chapter 39

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A few months ago

I woke up in my room with the worst migraine in the word. Everything that happened that day was nothing more than a fog. Slowly, my memory began to clear out.

I remembered everything. Phoenix killed Santo, everyone ran away, I tried to kill her, she shot me and then... nothing. I searched my body for any bullet wounds but I found nothing.

Slowly, I got up from my bed and headed to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass, I opened the tap and filled it with water. Just as I was about to head back to my room, I spotted a red paper on the kitchen counter.

I liked you too much to kill you so I opted for a dart.


Present day

My phone vibrated in my pocket as I walked towards my apartment. Digging it out of my pocket, I realized it was a call from the school my daughter goes to.

I answered it and didn't get a chance to speak before a cheerful voice sounded from the other end of the line.

"Mr Rizzo, I have great news." Susan, the secretary said giddily.

"What is it, Susan?"

"An anonymous donor paid for all outstanding payments in your daughter's fees. Isn't that great?"


I was behind on all my payments. After Santo died, it was hard to find another job being the only one that survived. Everyone else was killed later on and I was sure I would be next but no one ever came. Now it looked like I switched sides and no one wanted me to join them. So who would pay for my daughters fees?

After thanking Susan for informing me, I walked to my apartment but fell short on my step when I noticed the door was open. Slowly pushing it wider, I walked in looking around. I spotted Phoenix leaning on the kitchen counter drinking my daughter's mango juice. I closed the door behind me and approached her cautiously. She stood there unfazed and did not acknowledge my presence until I stood right infront of her.

"Did you like my present?"

My mind schemed through my memory trying to remember when she ever gave me a present. Then it hit me. "My daughter's fees, that was you."

Her lips spread to a wide smile. Placing the juice box down, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at me.

"Work for me."

I blankly stared at her. Was this really happening?

"Why would I do that? You killed my-"

"I killed Santo because he thought he could disrespect me and get away with it. You and I both know you never liked him so don't pretend you do now."

She was right. I never liked him but still.

"What would I gain from working for you? What do you even want me to do."

"For starters, all your bills would be paid. Your daughter can go to any school you want her to and you can get her whatever you want. In case you didn't know, men are paid handsomely." She paused for a moment letting me imagine the prospect. "All you would have to do, is provide my men with weapons. And, from time to time, be my eyes and ears in the street."

Her deal didn't seem bad. Providing firearms for her people would be easy enough with my connections. This deal would also get me back in business if people know I'm working for her. The benefits of working for her as well would set my daughter up for life. Phoenix stared at me patiently waiting for me to digest everything.

"Ok," I whispered "you've got yourself a deal".

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