Chapter 19

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"Can you fucking listen to me!"

"I will not spend the entire day in bed. Now let me go Camillo."

" Lie down Sky or I will chain you to the fucking bed."

"Try me you asshole"

Dom, Marcos and Angelica walked in and watched our glaring contest.

"Put your head back on the pillow before I make you." Camillo threatened with clenched teeth. I lifted my head up daring him to do something.

In an instant, Camillo was pushing me back onto the bed. I winced when he put pressure on my injured leg which distracted me from his intentions. When he got up I looked at my wrist which were now in handcuffs chaining me to the headboard.

"You little-"

"I warned you and you didn't listen don't even come at me."

"Fuck you.."

Camillo smiled at me with a proud smile on his face. I glared at him wishing I had a dagger to throw.

Someone let out a chuckle from behind him and that's when we remembered we weren't alone. I yanked at the handcuffs trying to figure out how to get them off.

"Boss, rest. You need to get back to fighting condition." Marcos begged coming towards me. I stopped my struggling and looked in his direction.

"Marcos, do me a favor and come closer" I asked with an innocent smile on my face.

This man was hanging on by a thread and yet he thought he could tell me what to do. At the corner of my eye, I saw Angelica rush out of the room. I didn't think much of it though because my eyes were focused on Marcos who just seemed to realize he was screwed. His smile vanished and he visibly tensed. "Umm, I think I will stay here." He replied taking an exaggerated step back.

I looked around at the things I could reach and grinned when I saw a pill of books. I pretended to be defeated and relaxed my body.

"Sky..." Dom warned. His voice sounded knowing. I could practically hear the smile on his face even though it sounded like he was warning me against doing whatever I was thinking of.

I really felt like shooting Marcos. Not only for lying but also for not even being able to cover his tracks. I was pissed. He was lucky I was chained to the bed because if I wasn't, I would have attacked him. Not even my injured leg would have stopped me.

I sobered up and glared at him. "You are screwed." Dom whispered to Marcos before walking all the way to the corner of the room.

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