Chapter 20

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I had a genuine problem.

You would think after finding out I would die in 2 weeks I would be completing a bucket list or something but here I am finishing a 5litre tin of ice cream while researching about Thallium.

'It is colorless, odorless and tasteless; its slow-acting, painful and wide-ranging symptoms are often suggestive of a host of other illnesses and conditions'

I must admit, it's impressive. I just wish it wasn't used on me. Lorenzo shouldn't have gone alone to find the cure, there was no way he could do it on his own. Las Vegas was Nicoli territory. Even if he got in, he wouldn't be able to get out.

Don't think like that.

If I was being honest, I was scared. Scared of dying so soon, scared of what I was leaving and scared of the probable future I would never get to see. I didn't want to die. Not yet at least. I wanted to explore my life with Marcos. Get married, have a bunch of kids that I could turn into little warriors and live in a house with a huge pool. I wanted to see my children grow up and threaten their potential spouses. I wanted it all and yet my life was hanging on by a thread.

Even if I survived the poison what were the chances of me surviving death. She knew. I knew Sky knew about me and Marcos now that the dumbass couldn't resist kissing me infront of her. If I didn't die from poison, I would die by the hands of Phoenix. Our only hope was that she was too weak to act on her anger. Maybe then we would-

A knock sounded on my door pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered closing my laptop and sitting up on my bed.

Angelica walked in and I tilted my head to the side waiting for her to speak.

"Sky is up." she informed.

My heart rate quickend as I was reminded of the risk to my life. "Ohh" I muttered under my breath.

"I came to get you seeing as you and Marcos are um... dating. I thought you might want to know that he is probably about to die."

The minute she said it, I jumped out of bed and went to the med bay. There was no way in hell Marcos was going to die. Not while I still lived and breathed.

I burst into the room and found Sky lying down handcuffed to the bed and Marcos at a good distance away from the bed with his face wide with fear.  Looking to my left, I saw Camillo and Dom at the very end of the room.

Well shit.

"Good, you're here!" Sky exclaimed sitting up. Everyone's eyes went wide when she stood up and her arm was free from the handcuffs. When did that happen. Marcos took a step backwards and stood infront of me, shielding me from Sky. There was no way he was taking all the fire; we were going to do this together. I wrapped our fingers together and stepped besides him. He looked at me and I smiled reassuringly before turning back to Sky.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you. I just didn't know how."

"'Hey Sky guess what? I'm dating Marcos.' That, that is how you tell me."

"It's not that- "

"Yes, it is. It is that simple because I would have allowed it. There isn't any fucking rule that said you can't date a fellow soldier. Did you think I was going to tell you to break it off?" She was fuming, I could see it.

"Sky-"before I could say anything, Sky raised her arm cutting me off.

"I can't trust you which means I can't work with you. I'm benching the two of you until I decide that I can count on you to tell me everything."

"That's not fair. What we did never jeopardized any missions. I was planning on telling you today, but I couldn't."

"You had months to tell me. Months. And you didn't."

"That's because I was scared you wouldn't let us see each other! You can't exactly blame me for thinking you could be that cruel after killing Angelica's boyfriend."

Sky flinched and I could see the hurt wash over her face. Not many people knew about Angelica's boyfriend. Some people just thought they broke up, but I knew. I saw her kill him.

Sky turned away from me barely holding her anger.

"You're dismissed."


"Get The Fuck Out!"

I closed my eyes swallowing the rage I felt and turned to leave. The moment I moved; the room began to spin.

My heart rate rose rapidly and my breathing deepened. I stumbled backwards trying to see throw my blurry sight. I could hear mumbling around me. Was someone yelling my name? I couldn't tell. My ears were ringing, and I was quite sure the room was darkening. I felt myself falling but I didn't hit the ground. Looking up, I saw a small glimpse of Marcos holding me before everything went black.

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