Chapter 7

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I spent the rest of the day in my office checking on increased profit and any problems my soldiers have been facing. Everything seemed in order which was great because I was way too agitated to deal with my soldiers rationally.

The Carusos were keeping a low profile while the Nicolis tried to put rats in my clubs. Their attempts always ended with their men tortured and killed and I wondered why they kept trying.

I thought today would be one of those peaceful days that I only experienced once in a blue moon until Angelica walked in. She was in charge of the books. Counting the money and making sure it added up to the products sold. We rarely met up unless it was important. Usually she communicated with Leo  but since she was in front of me, it must have been important.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she sat on the chair across my desk.

"Boss we might have a problem." I sat still with my arms crossed waiting for her to finish.

"The money from the drugs are not adding up to what we sold. I suspected the dealer so I asked Marcos to check it out and he confirmed it." Angelica stood and placed an iPad in front of me that showed a picture of our suspect.

"He goes by Scar in the streets. He runs one of our gangs in California which is ruled by your uncle Phillip as Underboss. Marcos says he is working with Phillip to steal from the famiglia. We think they made a deal to share the spoils together."

Very few people were bold enough to try play me. The ones that did always got caught. I wasn't surprised which underboss tried to play me. Uncle Philip was one of the few uncles I let keep his territory when I took over but I knew he didn't like being led by a 'child'. This betrayal proved it. Luckily for me, I made it a must to befriend my cousins so that when they took over I wouldn't have problems.

"I will hand it."

Leaning back, I motioned for the door with my head and Angelica quickly left. I grabbed my phone and dialled Dom's number.

"Wanna go kidnap some people with me?" I asked the minute he answered.

"I'm on my way."

. . . . . . .

Dom and I met in front of the gangs main hangout. We were both dressed in all black wearing caps and sunglasses. Marcos would delete any camera futage recorded but it was always best to avoid being seen at all.

When we got there, there seemed to be a party happening. We walked straight towards the entrance ignoring the line of people waiting to enter. The bouncers attempted to stop us until I took of my glasses and they saw my face. They stepped backwards looking both shocked and terrified.

"Bo-oss, we didn't expect you today."

"Tell your boss we are waiting for him," I demanded as we headed towards the office.

I sat down on the rolling chair and placed my legs on the table while Dom stood beside me on the side closest to the door. The white walls seemed to look cream because of all the random foot prints and dots of 'red paint'. His wooden desk was cracked on one side and the rolling chair screeched when I tried to spin it. The books were placed against a wall because the book shelf looked like it was eaten by a pack of wolves. You would think Scar would renovate his office after stealing from me but instead he chose to leave it as it was.

Scar waltsed into the room with two men behind him looking very cheerful. If it weren't for the fear in his eyes, you would think we were old friends.

"Phoenix, I didn't expect you today. What can I do for you." He asked clapping his hands together.

"I want to know about the deal you made with Phillip." The minute I uttered the word deal Scar paled and looked about ready to bolt. Instead, he flashed me a smile and played dumb.

"What deal?" His voice was shaky and fearful. All the tells that someone was lying.

His men were caught aback by everything which told me they didn't know. Facing them, I motioned for them to leave the room and they didn't even hesitate. Scar glared at their backs as they left. When he turned back and saw me smiling, he pulled out his gun and aimed at me. Dom grabbed his arm and twisted it causing him to scream and drop the gun. He hit the back of Scar's knees causing him to kneel on the floor.

"It's a good thing this office is sound proof. Now we can have all the fun we want without worrying about people hearing you." Dom said with a smirk on his face.

Standing up, I grabbed a knife from my waist and approached Scar. "All I want are the names of the people in on the deal and what exactly you agreed on."

"Go to hell!" Scar yelled as he struggled to free his hand from Dom's grip.

"Been there. Wasn't very nice" I responded. "Tell me what I want to know and I will make your death quick and painless."

He glared at me but remained quiet. Mastering a smile, I grab his free arm and carve the word traitor on his palm. Scar struggled and cried out in agony as I wrote every letter. I nodded and Dom twisted the arm he still held into an impossible position dislocating Scar's shoulder. He then relocated it after the screams subsided and then shattered his elbow.

"Ready to talk?" I ask politely but he remained quiet. Placing a silencer on my gun, I shoot his thigh and watched as he collapsed onto his back trying to contain his screams. 

"You know the rooms are sound proof right?" Dom commented. "Yes, doesn't mean I have to make noise. He is doing it already" I responded nodding towards the hyperventilating man on the floor. He shivered and whimpered but stayed firm. Releasing a breath, I took of his left shoe and cut off his big toe. I took my time cutting each toe waiting for him to stop screaming before cutting the next one. After toe number four, he tried to speak.


"Come on finish the sentence. I don't have all day. No meetings which means I could do this all day."

Taking a shacky breath, he tried again. "He said if I gave him a bigger share h-he would give me his youngest daughter. He said it wouldn't make a difference if I minimized your shares and gave more to him. You were never meant to find out. You-"

"Well I did and now you are bleeding on the floor.

"Phillip Romano's youngest daughter is 16. That would mean he was subjecting her to a marriage with a 30 year old man just for money." Dom looked disgusting as he thought about it. Judging by the timeline Marcos showed us, this should have only started a week ago so maybe his side of the deal wasn't settled yet.

"Who else was involved?" I asked kneeling down to hear him clearly.

"Just him and his usual 6 body guards. He doesn't go anywhere without them."

The guards that followed uncle Philip had never changed. For as long as I could remember, only one of the men were replaced and that was only because they died? Patting Scar in the stomach, I aimed my gun at his heart and fired.

"Sleep tight"

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