Chapter 32

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Sky held my hand as we exited the elevator. We ignored all the curious eyes and headed straight for the med bay.

Marcos sat on the chair near Lorenzo's bed facing the ground but instantly stood up as we entered.


"Get out" Marcos scurried towards the door and left us alone with Lorenzo.

He looked at our hands and breathed a sigh of relief. "You two are the definition of slow burn." He breathed out.

Letting out a chuckle, Sky let go of my arm and walked closer. I stayed by the door giving them enough space to talk but close enough that I would be there when she needed it.


"Hey princess. Are you done with your tantrum?"

"I hate you." she laughed humourlessly

Lorenzo flashed her a huge smile and stretched out his hand so he could hold hers.

"I need you to know, it wasn't your fault." He whispered.

I watched as a tear slid down Sky's cheek. She tightened her grip on Lorenzo's arm and embraced him in a hug. He patted her head as she cried on his chest.

"It's alright princess. You are going to be fine."

"No, I'm not, I can't-I can't do it without you."

"Yes, you can. And you will. Protect your soldiers and they will always protect you. Your plan is full proof. Follow through with it but whatever you do, don't stray from what you believe in. If the Marinos make a deal that's unreasonable, change it. They need you more than you need them, and they know it. Never bow to anyone you understand?"

Sky frantically nodded her head trying to stop the tears but failing. My heart broke as I watched her. I could practically feel her pain and I hated it. I wish I could take it all away.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop. It's not your fault. It never has been. I need you to let go of that guilt. Promise me."

After a moment Sky promised to try. She cried on his shoulder as his breathing slowed. Camillo had mentioned he wouldn't last the night because of all his injuries. It was a miracle he didn't die from them alone, but the poison definitely insured it.

"I need you to protect her." Lorenzo said directing his gaze towards me. "She may seem like she has it all figured out, but she doesn't. She cares about you, and I know you do to. So, I need you to promise me that you will always protect her. Promise me you will stay by her side."

"Without a doubt." I replied with no hesitation.

"If anyone puts their hands on her, I will cut them off." Lorenzo chuckles at my possessiveness. He nodded approvingly and fell silent.

"If you hurt her, I will haunt you" he whispered.

A few minutes later he died. I stayed by Sky's side as she broke down, holding her by my side incase she fell.

I carried Sky back to her room and was about to leave when she held my hand. "Stay," she whispered. "Please?"

Kicking off my shoes, I climbed onto the bed. She shifted closer to me and placed her head on my chest. I placed my arm on her waist and held her as she slept.

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