Chapter 18

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People said love killed and I guess they were right.

Everything hurt and I felt like I was dying. It was worse than any injury I had ever endured and I hated it. I hated how helpless I was. How everything felt like it was falling apart.

V had gone to her room a while back saying she wanted to be alone. I could see her internal pain. I figured she just needed to breath. I on the other hand needed to do something. I needed to distract myself from everything before I exploded. Which is why I was in the tech room looking for the antidote across the globe.

The room was fairly empty seeing as most of the people were tending to the wounded or being extra security for all our facilities. There were only about 4 people in the room and I was happy.

Lesser chance of me murdering anyone.

I stayed at my station finding rumors and articles about Prussian blue. All of them were from 10-20 years back. And none of them have a specific location of where it could be now.

"Hey Marcos, what's up?" a guy named Andrew asked in Italian.

Him and Sebastian stood behind my laptop looking at it from behind. I ignored them and continued my research.

"What you looking for?"

"It's the cure for Veronica. I heard she got stabbed with a poisoned knife today."

"Wait, Veronica? Isn't she the chick Boss usually takes on secret missions? The one she is always talking to?"

"That's the one. I heard Marcos and her have been smashing for a while now."

"That's probably why he looks so murderous. His booty might die."

The whispers kept going. I heard them all and I wanted to kill them. But I couldn't. There was already enough going on right now and I couldn't add extra dead men to the list. I grabbed my glass and took a shot of the remaining vodka.

No need to make a scene.

"I heard he attacked the chemist that found out what poison they used."

"Damn. Do you think he cares about the bitch or is he just- fuck!" Andrew ducked his head right before my glass could hit him.

"What the hell man?"

"Call her a bitch again and you're a dead man" I rasped

He glared back even as Sebastian tried to calm him down. Andrew stepped around the table and stood right next to me. "You really gonna threaten me because of her? I thought we were friends?"

"Friends or not I won't let you call my girl a bitch."

He huffed out a breath before looking me dead in the eyes and saying "You wouldn't betray our friendship for that bitch would you?"

Well.. I warned him, he didn't listen. Which meant I can't be held accountable for my actions.

I head locked him and placed a knife against his neck. I pressed the blade into his throat revealing in the way he flinches. Andrew elbowed my ribs with his free hand causing me to grunt as I stepped back. He threw a punch which I dodged in the last minute and landed one on his torso. I bent down and swept him off his feet with my leg. When he tried to get up, I put my leg on his neck.

"Next time you want to talk about a man's woman, remember this." I stated before impaling my knife into his thigh.

"Argh!" he yelled as his blood spread on the floor. I moved away from him allowing Sebastian to deal with his friend. Lorenzo ran into the room, looked at the scene and released a breath.

"Take him to Camillo." He instructed before making his way towards me. Before he could utter a word, my computer began to beep. I rushed towards it scanning the screen. I let out multiple breaths and ran a hand throw my face in relief.

"I found it. I found the cure."

I saved the location to my phone and ran off to find Dom. He was second in command which meant he gave the orders while Sky was out.

I found him in the pool room doing laps. He swam to the nearest wall and looked in my direction. Jumping out of the water, he grabbed his towel and wiped his face.

"I found the antidote." I muttered.

He froze mid-wipe and stared at me. "Where?"

"Vegas. There are some MCs there that can find anything and they have it. If I can go there, I can buy it from them and-"

"No, we need you here."


"I will go." that came from Lorenzo who I didn't realize had followed me here.

"Take someone with-"

"You know I'm not a team player Dom, I can go alone. I will be fine. Besides, I have friends in Vegas that might be able to help so that's a bonus."

Dom was quiet for a moment but nodded and Lorenzo left instantly.

"You need to be here in case anything happens. You are our eyes and ears you know that right?" Before I could respond, Angelica walked in hurriedly.

"She is awake."

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