Chapter 24

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Over the past 2 days, I have been scared to death a maximum of 2 times. When Sky was injured and right now.

The ring around my chain flashed two times letting me know that Sky needed me. I hadn't run that fast in a long time. I knew it wasn't logical to sprint through the Cave like I did but I wasn't thinking. Not much could happen to Sky in here, unless there were complications with her wound that was.

I burst into her room causing her to flinch and point a gun at my face. I scanned the room looking for any danger before looking back at her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked letting out a breath.

"You pressed your destress button." I muttered trying to calm down.

Sky looked at her arm where her ring sat comfortably on the index finger on her right arm. The gem on the ring was slightly shifted to the side.

"Shit sorry. I think I did that by accident."

Closing my eyes, I controlled my breathing to a slow pace. This woman was going to be the death of me. If only she knew how much it affected me when she was injured. I would have told her if I hadn't thought she would walk away. This was a delicate situation, and I didn't want to screw it up.

I looked up at her and immediately regretted it. Her eyes watched me cautiously. Her tank top stuck to her skin revealing every curve on her body. She was wearing a black short that only covered the very top of her thighs. There was a first aid kit on the side of her bed where she sat. Looking at her left thigh, I saw blood dripping down her leg.

"Fuck. What happened?" I asked as I frantically made my way towards her.

"Calm down. I just broke a few stitched trying to exercise."

"Didn't Camillo tell you to rest!"

"Yes, he did."


"You can't expect me to stay in bed twenty-four seven! Lorenzo has been MIA for 2 days and V potentially only has 2 more days to live. Not to mention the fact that she is still unconscious. Marcos basically hates me right now; I don't have the patience to talk to him. He is not thinking straight enough to be involved in work which means we have lost our best hacker. I need to help out somehow. I can't just sit around while my men risk their lives for me."

"And you will. After you are healed"

"But- "

"Shut up and listen to me. We can't risk your health. You are our Capo meaning you are our boss, our leader. Soldiers can be replaced but you, you are the brains of our oppression. You can't be replaced. No one can take your place for more reasons than I can count."


I didn't mean to say that last part. My emotions got the best of me and I slipped up. Every time I'm near this woman my defenses break down. I always end up opening up more than I want to. How was I going to brush this off.

I just confessed my feelings for her and all she did was silently stare at me.

I had to find a way out of here. I couldn't prolong cleaning her wound and bandaging it because being this close to her bare thigh was giving me ideas. I tied the bandage and began to stand but Sky grabbed my arm stopping me from moving.

"Thank you, for helping me treat the wound." She muttered under her breath.

"No problem"

I expected her to let go of my arm but she didn't. I knelt there infront of her staring into her soulful eyes. We stare at each other not saying a word until something shifts in her expression. Sky seemed to be contemplating something. I waited patiently wondering what exactly was going on in her head.

"Screw it," before I could comprehend anything, Sky pulled me towards her and kissed me.

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