Chapter 16

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3 years ago

It had been a whole year since I was kicked out. I had nothing and no one.

I slept under a bridge every night and stole what I could. The moment I saw the man standing by the black BMW, I thought I had a chance to score a big steal.

His back was towards me as he reached into the car to get something. Slowly sneaking behind him, I stretched to grab his wallet from his back pocket. Before I could grab it, the man turned around and grabbed my wrist. I hit the inside of his elbow causing him to loosen the grip he had on my wrist gaving me a chance to pull away. I grabbed his wrist and pinned him on the car. Using my free hand, I grabbed the wallet. Before I could run, the man stretched out his leg to trip me. I fell on my back with a loud thud. The man attempted to step on my stomach but I rolled to the side. I quickly got up and punched him square in the face. He punched me in the stomach causing me to stagger back.

We fought for what seemed like forever before we heard an intense, authoritative voice behind us.


The guy straightened immediately like a puppet on strings. He stepped back and lowered his head like a kid caught doing something wrong. I didn't bother turning around to see who it was. All I could think about was how to get away.

"Cosa sta succedendo?" She asked.

She spoke Italian? I turned around to see a woman with pitch black hair that had brown tips. She wore blue ripped jeans with a plain black t-shirt and a blue denim jacket and ankle length black heel boots. Her mid-back length hair was tied into a high pony and sunglasses sat on her nose. A small smile illuminated her skin as she looked at me.

Handing her bag to one of the two guys behind her, she took off her glasses revealing sparkling light brown eyes. They were magnetic in the scariest way possible. They looked kind and thoughtful with a hint of danger.

She walked towards me at a slow pace and I walked backwards. The guy from earlier attempted to hold me but the lady just lifted her arm and he stepped back. Who was she?

"Hi." she greeted with a cheerful smile.

"I have never seen Alonzo struggle that much in a fight for a very long time." I remained silent wondering what I just got myself into.

"What's your name?" she asked but when I stayed quiet, she introduced herself first. "I'm Sky. Though you probably know me as Phoenix."

My heart stopped. She was the head of the Silvestri clan. The Capo of the once fallen mafia family which she rebuilt all on her own. The Nicolis were the reason it fell in the first place. I was from the Nicoli clan which meant I was her enemy. If she knew, I would be dead.

I stepped back again and this time she nodded for Alonzo to hold me in place. "Judging by your reaction I'm guessing you know of me." Breathing out a laugh I responded "Who doesn't."

She smiled seeming flattered. "I'm guessing by your fighting skills you were trained professionally. Where are you from?"

"Doesn't matter. I'm not going back" she nodded her head in understanding and pulled out a paper and pen from her jacket pocket. Jotting down her number, she handed it to me. "If you ever want to work for me, call that number."

She put the glasses back on and walked towards the car with all three men following behind her.

My life changed that day.

It changed forever.

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