Chapter 28

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Leonardo parked the car infront of the warehouse and waited. I was in the passenger seat looking at the security cameras on my phone.

In and out. That's all we had to do.

I would have loved Dom to be here but he couldn't. He didn't agree with my plan and tried to stop me. So, I drugged him and tied him to a chair in his room. The memory kept replaying in my mind which made me feel even more guilty than I did when it happened.

"Sky, you are injured. There is no guarantee Bianca will keep her word or that the Marinos will have your back"

"I know but I must try. Lorenzo is the only family I have left. I can't lose him. And Veronica only has one more day. We can't let her... we can't..."

Dom pulled me towards him and embraced me in a bear hug.

"I know love, I know. But we need to find another way. We can't risk you getting hurt."

Pulling away, I turned my back on him. "There isn't any time to think of another plan. And I know you won't let me go if we don't."

"I won't."

"I'm sorry."

"For wh- "

I spun around quickly and shot his arm with the dart gun. He looked at the dart then at me. His face contorted shock and hurt.

"I'm sorry." I whispered again as he collapsed to the floor.

I had asked Angelica to handcuff him to his bed as I left the Cave with Leonardo. Dom would be mad, but I had to do it. We didn't have time to waste.

"Let's go." without waiting for Leonardo, I exited the car and walked towards the warehouse.

Leonardo followed suit right next to me. The minute we got in, thousands of red dots flashed on our bodies.

"This is a bit extreme; don't you think?" I asked Bianca as she stepped out of the shadows with Cole by her side. You would think he was our enemy judging by the look of utter hatred on his face. Then again, being in the mafia makes you an award-winning actor.

"For you, this might even be too little." The annoyed look she gave me would have been priceless in different circumstances.


Turning to my left, I watched as two men walked in holding a beat-up Lorenzo by the shoulders. My legs unconsciously stepped towards them, but I froze in my tracks as I heard multiple guns being loaded. I raised my hands in surrender and helplessly watched as they dropped him to the floor.

He rolled onto his back hyperventilating. His face was covered in blood and his arm looked shattered. I could see rips on his shirt which suggested he was stabbed multiple times. A tear slid down my cheek as I watched him struggle to breath. I couldn't imagine how much pain he was in.


"Hey princess, how are you doing" Lorenzo murmured breathlessly.

He wasn't looking at me. I didn't think he could. His neck had bruises on them. Did they choke him? All he could do was look up at the sky.

"Let him go!" I yelled facing Bianca again.

"Give me the flash."

"You have two things I want. I have one. Bring him to me, I give you the flash then you give me the cure"

"What, you scared I won't live up to my word?"

"Wouldn't be the first time" the venom in my voice was clear and unmasked. This wasn't going to happen again, it was war.

Suppressing a smile, Bianca told one of her men to drag him to us. Leo held him up be the waist as I approached Bianca and Cole. To my surprise, Cole came towards me and met me halfway. I placed my hand into Coles to give him the flash. He swapped the flash with something that felt like a test tube. Looking into his eyes, I saw loyalty and respect.

Within a second, his face reverted to hatred. It didn't matter though; he had let me see his emotions. Even if it was for a split second. I knew which side he was on.

"Check if it's really the flash." Bianca ordered.

"Unlike the Nicolis, I stick to my word." I stated bitterly.

Cole put the flash into the computer as I walked back to Leo and Lorenzo. I placed the thing Cole gave me into my jacket pocket and waited.

"It's the one." The minute he confirmed it, Bianca pointed her gun at me.

Before I could react, she pulled the trigger and ... nothing. There was no pain, no blood, nothing.

Lorenzo fell at my feet whimpering.

"No, no, no no no no." I bent down holding his hand as blood spilt from his artery.

This wasn't meant to happen. "You will be ok. We will get you help" I spat out.

The atmosphere shifted and all I could see was red. I ran towards Bianca and punched her. She stumbled back but caught herself quickly. She attempted a punch, but I side stepped her and punched her on the side. I continued to rapidly attack her with punches and kicks until my ears rang.

"Boss!" Leo yelled bringing me back to the present.

I was on the ground over Bianca. She had a bloody nose and a swollen eye.

Reluctantly, I pulled back and stood up.

"Kill her!" Bianca yelled.

Her soldiers pointed their guns at us aiming right at my head. Before they could shoot, half of them began shooting the others. Bianca looked around stunned as her men killed each other.

"Loyalty Bianca, it's something your clan doesn't have. It's the reason I'm going to beat you."

Turning around, I helped Leo carry Lorenzo out of the warehouse as the shooting continued. Once we were in the car, I used my jacket to put pressure on the wound as Leo sped off.


"Grab the flash, let's go!" Bianca yelled coming towards me.

"Something's wrong."

Bianca looked at the computer which was currently erasing everything on the flash. I would have loved to take credit for it, but I couldn't. I hadn't done this. It was as if the flash was infected by a virus. But how would that have- Marcos. The smart little shit.

"That bitch played us!" She really needed to stop yelling because my patience was running seriously low.

I opened my mouth to tell her to shut up, but the screen flashed causing me to look at it again.

A timer.

A fucking timer.

Grabbing Bianca's arm, I pulled her towards the exit. The minute we go out, the warehouse was engulfed in flames.

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