1 - He's No Angel

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[everything in this story is fiction, and it doesn't depict anyone involved within it]

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Han Jisung POV

"I'm leaving" The guy of the closing shift came into the dull staff room, where I was, putting my things away in the old locker to get ready to clean.

I don't know his name, but that was a normal thing for me.

I've always been a quiet kid since high school. I wasn't bullied, nor did anyone ever bother me.

That's how it's been all my life.

I've never had the confidence to change and make friends, so I've been living my life without much of social interactions. The only conversations I have are with the debt collectors at my door every month.

"Okay," I said as he grabbed his things and left without another word.

I sighed out of tiredness and grabbed the old cleaning equipment.

Like every night, I began scrubbing away at the white tables of the café I work in.

If you haven't guessed it, I'm a janitor. I work every night from 9PM to whenever I finish cleaning.

I also work at a small convenience store from 6AM to 12PM just so I can get more money for food and other essentials.

It's exhausting but it pays my bills and I don't mind having to do it since it gives me a sort of satisfaction when I see a neat and spotless café.

I was nearly finished, but I just needed to take out the trash.

I've never liked doing it because I have to go out the back...

The back leads out into a narrow alleyway, where the bins are for the trash;  it just creeps me out.

The fact there are no lights illuminating the path sends chills down my spine. Sometimes, there are stray cats that make me jump when they scurry away and every now and then I find a drunk slumped on the floor.

But, there's no avoiding it, so I went out there and chucked the bags into the bins. As I was closing the metal lid, I swear I could just make out in the shadows someone watching me.

I squinted my eyes, leaning forward, and my brain alerted me that something wasn't right.

Deciding to go with my instincts, I sprinted back inside without looking back.

I let out the breath I was subconsciously holding in once I slammed the door behind me and shook it off since I'm prone to being a dramatic, scaredy cat.

Getting my things, I made sure everything was locked before I started to walk back to my apartment that was on the verge of being demolished.

The distance between my apartment and the café was about a thirty-to-forty-minute walk.

It was tiring, especially after long days, but I have no other choice since I don't have enough money to afford a car.

I yawned as I turned a corner of my usual route. It was colder than normal, so I rubbed my hands together in hopes of warming them up a little.

Ever since I left the café, I felt as if someone was watching me, just like how I felt earlier.

Telling myself it was my imagination, I tried to shake it off, but it didn't go away. It was such an unsettling feeling that I had to seed up my pace.

That's when I heard distant footsteps behind me. My heart dropped.

'It's okay, this is a public area of course other people are gonna be here too,' I thought, trying to calm myself down.

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