12 - Escape!

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Han Jisung POV

Racing out of the kitchen, I slowed down when I came in sight on the two guys. They were still stood in the exact same position as I left them.

Shit. I forgot they were there.

If I couldn't go out the front door, I could sneak out the back.

Up the stairs I went to not look suspicious, if I turned around right there and then I'm sure they'd suspect I was up to something.

Waiting a few minutes, I planned out how this was going to go down whilst I grabbed a pair of my shoes and slipped them on.

I knew there was a fence surrounding the back garden so I'll have to climb over it since I don't see any other way I could escape. From there, I'd just run in the direction of the city.

I remembered it to be North-East to the house this morning as I was looking out the window.

When I felt it had been long enough, I began out of my room, down the hallway and to the top of the stairs.

I prayed they wouldn't take notice of my shoes.

There they were, stood at the front door arms crossed like they were better than me.

Without making eye contact, I turned for the hallway to the kitchen which I knew lead to the back door.

"Where are you going?" One of them asked in a deep tone.

Freezing on the spot, I cursed under my breath before turning around to face them.

"I just need fresh air, I hate being cooped up in the house like this." I surprised myself with how quickly I came up with that lie.

"Lee Know said no leaving the house" The other stated sternly.

I exhaled from worry but masked it with an annoyed expression, "Where am I going to go in a back garden?"

The duo looked at each other and back at me.

"Just for five minutes" I pleaded. If they didn't let me, I don't know what I'd do.

"Fine. But if you're not back in five minutes, we are dragging you back inside"

A wave of relief washed over me, "Thank you"

I practically jogged down the hallway with my eyes locked on the back door.

As soon as I opened it, I had to pause to take in all the land.

Such beauty in such a dangerous place, it was mesmerizing.

There were all sorts of flowers planted in neat rows though it still looked natural.

Patches of fresh, green grass were dotted around the field in between the flowers, perfect size for a big picnic. I bet their summers are elite, especially with a view like this.

A path led through the colourful field of plants and joined up with other paths in the middle of the property where a beautiful, large fountain was spraying water from it's top into a large round base. It had intricate designs carved into it's stone that added onto the beauty.

The details of the back yard were so perfect, everywhere you looked there was no sign of flaws to be seen.

At the back of the property, there were two buildings. One of which looked like a massive glass greenhouse but it was like no other I've seen before. It was tall and extravagant, I could see exotic plants inside but I was unsure since it was too far away to tell.

The other was a smaller structure but still quite large. It had the same aesthetic of the mansion, modern. I had no idea of what was in that building, there were no clues to what was inside.

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