13 - Piece of a Puzzle

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Lee Minho POV

This situation is a game. A puzzle

And we are the ones trying to solve the puzzle by piecing it together.

So who is the one that created it?

Toying around, preying on the weak to do their work as if they were a pawn in their twisted game.

Whoever it is. Whatever they want. They wont be able to play for much longer.

"We are here, Sir" My driver, that has been with Stray Kids for a while, reported.

I lifted my head and recognised we had arrived at my beautiful mansion I put so much effort into making perfect for the 7 of us. 

"Have a good night, Sir" I nodded my head, acknowledging what he had said as I exited the car.

Walking up to the entrance, I remembered that Han had been in the house all day. I dread to find out if he caused any trouble. 

"Welcome home, Boss" The men I had ordered to keep an eye on him bowed to me as I entered.

"Any problems?"

"No, Sir. We did as you asked and made sure to-"

"You may leave"

The pair echoed, "Yes, Sir" before bowing once again and leaving quietly.

Taking off my shoes, I placed them neatly on the hidden compartment in the wall and let it close by itself as I journeyed into the main lounge.

A glass of whiskey would do me good. I don't like visiting so many places in one day. But if we are to be a good group, we must check on our properties. 

The expensive couch seemed to hug me, it almost made me drift off to sleep.

I sighed in relief of being in the comfort of my own home.

Resting my eyes for a while, I let myself sink into my thoughts.

However I was rudely interrupted by a quiet noise that indicated someone entered the room.

My eyes shot open and I switched onto alert mode, shooting up from my space ready to fight.

"Oh, I'm sorry-"

"Don't you think you should knock?" I stared at the man stood like a scared puppy. I rolled my eyes and sat back down, already annoyed by his presence.

If I'm honest, Han surprised me but I played it off, not wanting to show any imperfections to someone I don't trust.

"I'm sorry, Sir"

"What are you doing in here?" I questioned, not bothering to look at him.

Han hesitated, "I-"

"If you're going to stand there and do nothing, fetch me a glass of whiskey." Just like that, he vanished.

For a while, I waited as my patience slowly ran out. About five minutes went by and I was getting to my breaking point.

"Here you are, Sir" Just in time, the slim boy placed down the drink onto the coffee table, where I was pointing.

Shockingly, he had put the whiskey in the right type of glass.

Bringing the glass to my mouth, I sipped a small amount and melted at the taste.

"Sir..." Han had remained in the room causing me to raise an eyebrow, wondering why he was pestering me, "I'd like to show you something"

"What?" I stared at him, bewildered at what it could possibly be.

"I was outside... for some fresh air" His face turned a little red, I ignored it since I've come to the conclusion he is peculiar when it comes to emotions.

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