3 - Locked

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Han Jisung POV

A while after I finished crying, I could feel the wet streams of tears as a small breeze gently brushed my face since the window was slightly pushed open.

I stayed in the room most of the day. No one bothered me until it started getting dark outside., that's when a knock was heard at the door.

"Jisung, it's me, Felix" I didn't move, I didn't want to, "Can I come in?"

I didn't answer him so he tried to open the door.

"You locked it?" He sounded worried.

"I want to be alone" My voice shook a little as I talked.

"I know but it would be better if you came out... Lee Know wants you to eat with us"

"I'm not hungry"

I heard a very faint sigh before Felix spoke again, "I understand you're upset but staying in there is just gonna make it worse"

Staying quiet, I listened out in hopes he would just go and fortunately, he did.

However, a few minutes later the sound of banging at my door made me jump and jolt up from the bed.

Third person POV

Felix knew Jisung wouldn't come out of the room so he did the only thing he could do.

Tell the others.

He made it to the dining hall where the members gathered to eat dinner.

"Where's Jisung?" Bangchan asked as the others sat at their seats.

Minho looked up once he heard Chan's question.

"Uhhh.... He isn't hungry, and he wants to be alone" Felix blurted out, knowing Minho would get mad.

Minho slammed his hands on the expensive table and abruptly stood up from his seat.

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and kept silent, used to his short temper.

Storming out the doors, Chan and Felix followed while the others carried on setting the table.

The trio made it to Jisung's room, where Minho hammered at the door a few times.

Bangchan gently placed his hand on Minho's shoulder before stating "Minho, calm down. Try to be nicer. The poor boy has just been told to leave his whole life behind the least you could do is be softer"

Lee know pinched the top of his nose and let out a frustrated sigh before reluctantly forcing himself to say, "Han. I'd like you to join us for dinner"

A long pause of silence filled the air. Felix hated when Minho got mad, so he stood behind Chan to avoid his death stares.

"I don't want to eat with you." The two men could see Minho gradually getting more annoyed.

"It's not a request." He demanded with his low and aggressive tone.

"Gently, Min," Bangchan advised, eyebrows furrowed with worry   

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