8 - Bigger Than It Seems

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Lee Minho POV

Once I opened the door to the back garden, my nostrils were filled with fresh air. The songs of birds echoed around me, and the evening sun shone on the open yard

I began down the gravel path and eventually made it to the building at the bottom of the garden.

The place I can be completely cut off from the world. Not disturbed by anything or anyone and instead surrounded by the humid yet calming atmosphere.

It's my escape from reality. It's one of the few things that keep me sane.

The palm house.

As soon as I opened the door, I felt a surge of relief. A relief of being able to fully let down my guard and take off the mask I had been wearing.

 I travelled around at a slow pace and took in my tranquil surroundings.

Rich colours of green painted the walls due to the leaves of all shapes and sizes that covered the glass; it felt as if you were truly in a forest.

Closer to the floor, vibrant flowers grew beautifully, some hanging over the neatly placed gravel path.

There were many paths to take in here, but each one always led you back to the middle where a set of pristine outdoor furniture was.

Once I arrived at the centre, I slumped into the cushioned seat and let my head hang back, relieving the tension I'd been feeling in my neck.

I'm the only one who comes in here ever since my father passed.

I guess the others wanted to let me have a space of my own, which I appreciate a lot. I know they've noticed the change in me. By change I mean my anger and how the tiniest things will set me off.

Of course, I have always been impatient and quick to rage but last year made it worse. I just have so much frustration, and it's overwhelming. 

Especially when things don't go my way. And here I was, getting angry over some random guy I took in for some stupid reason.

However all I could think about was his face.

Han Jisung's face.

Why was I so bothered by this? Why should I care about him?

All these confusing thoughts and with a snap of a finger I could have him gone.

Yet I can't bring myself to do it. What is this... thing  that's stopping me!?

"Argh!" Abruptly standing up, I kicked the chair in frustration, "Not even in here, I can escape my thoughts."

At that very moment, a ping echoed from my phone.

1 message from Hyunjin

'Chan wants us all in the meeting room. If you're not busy?'

I took a deep breath and journeyed out of the haven whilst slipping my phone back into my pocket.

The guys never disturb me when I go to the palm house, so I wondered what could be so important to do it this time.

As I passed the door to the kitchen, I glanced in to see if Han was still doing the dishes.  Though, he was gone and all the clean dishes were neatly put away in their correct places.

I forgot all about Han as I entered the meeting room filled with a tense atmosphere.

Everyone was sat around the table with questionable looks on their faces.

"You know, you should really start replying when someone texts you. That's what a phone is for." Hyunjin sarcastically teased. 

But it wasn't long before the sarcasm stopped, and everyone was silent.

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