32 - My Fault

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Lee Know's POV

"MINHO!" Jisung yelled under me, horror in his eyes.

Slowly looking down, I couldn't find where the bullet penetrated my skin because of all the blood. Why was there so much of it? I was completely covered in it, and so was Jisung.

Still under me, he panickily covered my shoulder with his red hands. That's when the pain began. A throbbing agony in my shoulder hit me in a matter of seconds.

"ARGH!" A loud yelp involuntarily escaped my lips and I cringed at the extremely uncomfortable pain.

I've been shot a few times before but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

The strength in me quickly drained and I could no longer keep myself from completely falling on Jisung. Just as I felt the power to control myself die out, my vision worsened in a matter of seconds.

The last thing I saw was his face. How terrified he looked... I'm just glad he's okay.

Third Person POV

"WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!" Bangchan shouted down the hallway before rushing to Minho and Jisung.

"MINHO?" Chan immediately checked his pulse, he nodded in relief, "Still alive."

Jongho was the first to reach the room they were in and without delay, sprinted over.

"Come on, let's get him out of here!" Chan directed Jongho where to pick Minho up so that it was safe and the pair of them lifted him with ease before disappearing out the door.

They didn't have time to make sure Jisung was okay, they trusted the others would be there any moment. Jisung silently lay there, in complete shock.

He glanced down at his hands... covered in blood. He then glanced down at his torso... covered in blood.

San and Wooyoung raced into the room and stopped at the sight of Jisung. Wooyoung gasped when he realised his clothes and hands were stained with scarlet red liquid.

Jisung's eye's grew wild and his breath became unsteady.

Both Ateez' members rushed over and tried to examine him but Jisung refused to let anyone touch him as he hyperventilated on the floor.

Unsure what to do, San and Wooyoung blankly stared at each other and thankfully, Felix found them.

"Oh my-" He hesitated at the door, "Jisung!"

"He won't let us touch him!" San reported with worry laced in his tone.

Felix rushed over and got on his knees, "Jisung, are you hurt!?"

Jisung's eyes overflowed with tears as he desperately gasped for air.

Wooyoung stationed himself at the door to keep a look out; San was quick to join.

Felix grabbed onto Jisung's stained hands that where in tight fists, "Control your breathing."

With a soft voice, he tried to calm Jisung down but it was no use. He was in complete shock and he wasn't his normal self.

Felix knew it was dangerous to still be in this place since he didn't know if there were more bad guys or if there were more on the way.

His hand gently but quickly covered Jisung's mouth, which finally seemed to stop him from hyperventilating.

"Breath." Felix commanded with a calm voice. Within a few seconds, Jisung was able to regulate his breathing a lot better however his trembling body did not rest.

"I know this is scary but it's also extremely dangerous to stay here. We must leave"

With his member's help, Jisung got up from the floor and the four of them jogged through the warehouse past all the dead corpses, making sure to stay close together.

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