17 - The Briefing

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Lee Minho POV

The crack of dawn arrived and the light began to shine through my bedroom as I lay there, grasping onto the only part of my day where I didn't have to switch on.

I could hear the birds chirping from the window I always leave open to keep the room cold whilst I sleep.

Since 4AM, I had been awake but it's nothing new for me. Ever since father passed, it's unlikely I get a full night's rest.

I glanced at my beside table and read my alarm clock to be 6AM on the dot.

It was time for me to switch on and begin my day. I knew that my members won't be awake until ten or eleven o'clock since the only thing on our schedule is the briefing so I had time to myself at least.

Deciding to get up, I sat at the edge of my warm bed and took a deep breath before chucking on my robe to cover my bare chest from the crisp air.

My bare footsteps echoed along the walls as I travelled through my tranquil home.

I tried to hold back thoughts of the situation and instead eat breakfast like a normal person but they flooded my head like a tsunami and suddenly I was sat in my study and going over the files for the briefing.

A yawn escaped my lips as I read about the event tomorrow.

"Fuck," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes, "I need some coffee"

Forcing myself to leave the study, I wondered to the kitchen thinking it'd be completely empty but once I arrived, I was startled to find Han Jisung sat at the counter.

He didn't hear me at the entrance; he kept still, I wasn't sure if he was even awake.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked, walking past him and beginning to prepare the coffee machine.

Han jumped at my presence, "Oh... I couldn't get back to sleep"

Not responding, I continued making myself some coffee as he sat there awkwardly.

To my surprise, I was not as annoyed as I thought I'd be to see him so early in the morning. 

Just as my coffee brewed, I listened to the satisfying sound of the liquid being poured into my mug for it to be interrupted.

"Lee Know" Han timidly began.

I sighed before answering, "What"

"Would you like me to cook you something to eat? I was going to make something for myself so-"

"I'm in the mood for soup, I'll be in the main lounge" Exiting the room with my coffee, I pushed myself back into the cushions of the lounge. 

He's already proving himself to be somewhat useful, I could do with having someone to make breakfast every morning.

Well, that depends if he's even good at cooking.

About half an hour went by and I had been scrolling through my phone in the calming silence and just as my stomach began to growl for food, a familiar tasty smell filled my nose.

"Here's your soup, Sir" Han announced as he placed a bowl of seaweed soup with a side of white rice. I noticed that his hand was bandaged where I saw that cut the other day, though, I still didn't care enough to ask.

Picking it up, I slurped up some of the soup and astonishingly, it was really good. Even the rice was cooked to perfection. 

When I researched him, there was nothing about any cooking education during school, neither did he have a job that involved food. I wonder how he got so good?

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