23 - Out Of Control

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He needed food. He needed water.

But most of all, he needed rest. He wasn't giving it to his body.

So his body took it.

3 Hours Earlier

"I didn't expect you to have such style, Ji" Felix enunciated as he scanned through my clothes.

"Thanks" I replied, drying my wet hair with a towel. The hot shower was a little unpleasant since the heat and my current condition didn't mix too well. It caused me to feel dizzy and I could feel a headache coming on.

"But we still need to go shopping for more" He turned around and examined me, using his fingers to create a rectangle.

"I don't have-" He snapped his fingers instantly, shushing me. I giggled with a small, tired smile.

"Money? That doesn't matter, you live here so you can use the house card"

I wasn't surprised to hear they had a group house card. I bet there is loads of money on it too,  and I was not going to turn down an offer to go shopping, "Oh, okay. Sure"

"Yes! Now, you need to get ready! You haven't even eaten breakfast yet. I'll wait in your room" Felix hurried out the walk-in-wardrobe and shut the door behind him, leaving me to myself.

After last night, I started to worry about what was wrong with me. These last few days, I haven't been myself. I know that now.

All I wanted was to prove that I could become stronger. That I was worthy.

But all I got out of it was an aching body, exhausted eyes and constantly feeling as if I was going to pass out.

I couldn't even sleep last night and before I knew it, the sun had risen.

What did I do wrong? I pushed extremely hard in the gym so why has my body gotten worse?

Whatever the reason, it didn't matter now. The meeting with Scales is today and I need to focus.

I began carefully slipping on my clothes through the pain as I moved about. I tried to keep the noise to a minimum but a few yelps escaped when a few sudden shoots of pain surprised me.

Before long, I was dressed. A beautiful pattern of old Japanese art decorated my jacket and on my bottom half, I wore black jeans with some classic high-top vans. A fake gold pendant hung around my neck, completing the look.

Felix was lay on my bed, scrolling through his phone, "You look great!"

I smiled, "Thanks, Felix. We should probably head down, don't wanna be late again." 

We both walked through the pristine hallways until we made it down stairs. My legs were already begging me to stop moving, but I shut out those thoughts and carried on.

"Are you gonna eat?" Felix asked as we passed the dinning hall.

"Oh, no, I'm not really hungry" I was too nervous to eat. That's what I told myself anyway.

The headache I sensed earlier was slowly starting to become noticeable, but still bearable.

"Ji, you seem a bit off, try not to worry about this meeting. Scales may be untrustworthy but you've got us. We'll all be together." Felix reassured, patting my back.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't know what to expect"

The pair of us joined Changbin, Hyunjin and Jeongin in the living room whilst we waited. All of them were so calm, so normal. No sign of nerves. No trace of fear. I admired them in a way.

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