9 - Discovery

248 11 6

Han Jisung POV

What sounded like a slam of a car door suddenly ripped me out of my peaceful slumber and I jumped up, still half asleep.

As per usual, my inquisitiveness got the best of me and all of sudden I was at the window that looked over the driveway.

Squinting my eyes as they adjusted to the blinding light, I observed exactly seven black, fancy cars were parked on the driveway.

I noticed three men I did not recognise in black suits stood next to the first car that was stationed right outside the entrance.

The one in the middle made some sort of signal with his gloved hand and just like that, three men per vehicle appeared.

"Am I dreaming?" I pinched my arm, though I was very much awake.

All of a sudden, they all lined up and bowed toward the house.

Pressing my head against the window, I tried to get a better look at what was happening.

That's when I witnessed all the main members dressed in stylish yet sleek suits, walking out of the front door.

My eyes widened when I locked gazes with Lee Know; I panicked.

As I did, I became tangled up in the silk curtains embarrassing myself even further.

Of course I had to make a fool of myself whilst Lee Know, of all people, was watching! 

By the time I got free, he was no longer staring at me and instead was climbing into the first car with his serious expression.

Each member entered one of the cars separately and the men got back into the cars they came from before driving off. 

A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I wiped my dry eyes, "I guessed they were rich but I didn't expect a whole parade to take them to work"

Well, I only could assume they were heading to work.

Everything is a mystery here so who knows where they are going!

Ever since the basement, I made up that Stray Kids are all from rich families and they met in some rich private school where they all became the popular group that basically ran the place. When they left school, they all put their money together and built a successful business that sells toy weapons called Stray Kids' Toys.

The things in the basement are just toy weapons that were prototypes!

And the man I saw... well... let's forget about that.

Making myself believe in something is better than being left in the dark, wondering.

Just as I was about to step away from the window I noticed two of the men in suits enter the house.

I speculated Lee Know didn't want to leave me completely unattended. 

"Time to shower" I groaned, forcing my legs to move to the bathroom.

The On Suite was luxurious to say the least. I let myself stop and take in the modern room, built and furnished to perfection. 

Folded towels were placed carefully on the counter along with an unopened packet of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

Under the sink, I found fancy toiletries like floss, face masks, moisturizer, all sorts of oils, and loads more unnecessary products.

Even the water felt rich.

The warm water trickled through my hair as I massaged it and ran down my body, instantly relieving any tension.

I was still sleepy and the relaxing, humid atmosphere kept causing me to blank out as loads of thoughts floated around in my mind.

What was I meant to do today?

There's not much to do around here, especially when I was meant to do what Lee Know wants but he goes and leaves!

I don't even have my phone to entertain me. I'll have to work up the courage to ask if my phone was found somehow.

Noticing my fingers were getting wrinkly, I decided to jump out, satisfied with using all the lavish products.

Since I was already there, I brushed my teeth with the provided dental items. 

I've never felt more clean in my life.

Above the sink, a huge mirror hung on the wall forced me to look at myself.

Examining myself in detail, I stared at my cheeks that puffed out, and my light blondie-brown hair that hung just above my eyes.

My eyes travelled down to my hips where I ran my fingers across my small waist wondering if I looked thinner than usual.

Suddenly shaking off those thoughts, I wrapped a white towel that had been heating up on the heater whilst I was in the shower.

Stepping out the bathroom, I held the towel around my waist, "What should I wear- AHHHHHH!"

"AHHHHHHH!" A woman dressed in a maid's uniform screamed as I did, just as surprised as me.

"IM VERY SORRY" She immediately dropped her cleaning tools and slapped her hands over her eyes as I ran back into the bathroom in fear and embarrassment.

"IM SO SO SORRY SIR" She yelled as I peered out from the bathroom, "I DIDN'T THINK ANYONE WAS IN HERE"

I chuckled nervously, "Um... it's okay, I was just not expecting-"

"OH NO- IM SO SORRY" The girl was panicking but still had her face covered

"It really is okay but... please stop shouting"

"Chaeryeong!" All of a sudden, another person burst into the room.

"Chaeyeon! Close your eyes!" The panicked girl yelled at the other.


I had already been through enough embarrassment so I decided to speak up, and stop this chaos.

"I'm really sorry but would you both step out for a moment"

"Oh my! I'm so sorry, Sir, we did not mean to intrude" Chaeyeon quickly grabbed the other and scurried out the room.

Once they left I hurried to my closet and threw on an outfit and as I stood in front of the door to my room, I could hear them bickering with each other.

Walking out the door timidly, we bowed toward one another once they acknowledged me.

I also caught sight of other people dressed in the same uniforms out in the hallway, cleaning.

"I'm so sorry for my sister's mistake, Sir"

The pair of them stayed with their head bowed, it made me feel like I was scolding them or something.

"No one is usually in this room, its our mistake-"

"It's not your fault so please stop apologising" Their expressions seemed surprised by my response, "I'm Han Jisung by the way"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Han. My name is Chaeyeon and this is my younger sister Chaeryeong"

All the formal talk surprised me; I don't think I've been called Mr Han before.

"Are you cleaners?"

"Yes Sir, we work with the company that Mr Lee Know employed to clean this beautiful mansion. We are here every Monday, Sir"

"And the last Friday of every month for the monthly deep clean, Sir." The other added.

"Ah... Okay. You don't have to be so formal" Again, their faces looked shocked, "Is everything okay?"

Chaeryeong spoke up with a smile, "Forgive us but we didn't expect you to be so polite"

"And friendly" Chaeryeong laughed, "We were expecting an intimidating, mean guy"

I forced a laugh, "Why would you think that?"

They stared at me like I was dumb for a moment, "Well, most people would think that when they think of a mafia gang, right?"


dont you just love cliff hangers :b

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