7 - I Cannot Explain This Emotion

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Lee Minho POV

I was expecting Han to not be here; I thought he'd refuse after seeing what he saw, most people would try run away. So seeing him sat in that seat stunned me slightly.

He was in the same exact clothes as when he got here, the ones we dressed him in since he didn't need those ugly working clothes anymore.

I'm not as mad as I thought I'd be to see him after he slapped me however it seems he's more nervous than I am angry.

"Finally" Seungmin's voice pulled me out of my gaze; I strode over to the seat I always sit at and it just so happened to be the one next to Han. I was curious to see how that would go.

"Let's eat" With that, everyone started to eat their food. All except Han.

Observing him, I watched as he remained stiff, not touching his plate.

I've learnt pretty quickly that it seems he gets scared pretty easily. I found it quite amusing as I couldn't understand how someone could be so uneasy all the time.

I intentionally cleared my throat and straight away, he glimpsed over at me.

Once Han realised I was staring at him, he clumsily picked up his utensils and began eating without daring to look back at me.

It wasn't as loud as it usually is since the others cannot contain the chaos when we're not out on business so it was weird. I could see them holding back their personalities and instead trying to seem mannered and calm which I couldn't help but smirk at.

Even without the chaos, Han still looks as if he is eating with a bunch of criminals. Oh wait.

"Are you liking the food, Jisung?" The youngest broke the awkward silence.

Han hesitated, "M-me?"

"He did say your name" Changbin teased with a cunning smirk causing the other to turn red.

"Changbin!" Felix scolded him with a light hit on the shoulder.

I observed in silence as Felix encouraged him to reply, I wondered how close they had gotten in the span of two days.

"...Yes, thank you." The boy bowed his head and carried on eating.

Not long after, everyone had finished their food.

"There's this film I've been wanting to watch, it's got great reviews" Hyunjin announced as each of us got out of our seats.

"Let's all watch it now" Banchan suggested as he tucked everyone's chairs in.

"What's it about?" Seungmin questioned, snuggling into his boyfriend's arm.

"Something to do with blue people I think"

As the others headed out the door, I looked back at Felix and Han who were just getting up.

"Yongbok, let's go" 

He looked at me with his usual cheery appearance and nodded, "Come on Jisung"

I rolled my eyes, "No, just you"


"Han needs to clean up, isn't that right?" I glanced over at him and tilted my head with a somewhat threatening expression in hopes he'd listen for once.

"Yes Sir" I didn't expect him to address me like that but I wasn't going to stop it.

I'm glad he's finally learning his place, though I wonder how long that'll last before he goes and does something else.

"See? Now, let's go"

Once Felix walked out of the room with a sulky face, I cast one more look at Han before marching off to join my friends.

"Where's Jisung?" One of them asked causing me to sigh.

"Why would he join us?" I scoffed. Thankfully, no one asked about it again and instead focused on the movie.

However, I couldn't stop thinking about Felix and Han. It made me mad thinking about them.

Glancing over at Felix, I examined as he clung onto Changbin's arm. Everyone knows he likes Bin so I know for certain he doesn't like Han but yet it still bothers me.

And it bothers me that it bothers me!

There was something about it that made me feel... angry... no that's not it.

I don't even like Han that much. He causes trouble everywhere he goes. He is useless!

Out of frustration, I curled my hand in a fist and punched my armrest.

"Are you good?" Changbin questioned; I noticed everyone was staring at me.

"I'm going to get some fresh air" 

Standing up, I stormed out of the room already knowing where to go. The palm house.

As I strode down the hallway, I paused at the kitchen where I witnessed Han washing up plates. I was surprised he found his way without someone, this place is big.

His back was turned to me yet I could tell he was upset. I stared at him for a long moment, with many thoughts flying around my head.

I opened my mouth, "..." 

Before I could say anything, I snapped back into focus and shook off whatever that was.

Rolling my eyes, I left quietly. Why should I care. He'll get used to it and it's only temporary.


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