6 - Awkward Silence

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Third person POV

The members except Minho had gathered in the main living room.

"He's been in his room since Jisung..." Jeongin began, still feeling tense after the incident.

"Knowing Min, he's definitely angry after being slapped in the face let alone in his own home," Changbin added.

"Guys, he's probably just cooling down." Reassuring the group, Chan got up and walked over to the window.

Shades of orange and yellow's painted the sky as the sun touched the horizon to rest.

"I just know it'll be so awkward at dinner," Seungmin stated, keeping his eyes on the tv screen that was playing some drama at a low volume.

"That's if Jisung even shows up,"

"Don't be like that, Hyunjin. He'll show up for dinner, I know he will. This is all hard on him, so can we all agree to at least not bother Jisung? He's already got Minho to deal with."

Felix had always been kind when he could. That's why the others called him the group's sunshine.

One smile from him would make the most emotionless soul feel warm in a second.

"I've noticed you've gotten close to him." Changbin raised an eyebrow at the man.

"Jealous?" Felix teased, earning a playful hit. "Yes, I have gotten to know him. He is actually a very nice person but he's scared and confused, which is to be expected. Especially after seeing what is in the basement!"

The guys listened to Felix as he expressed his opinion with all his heart.

Each one of them knew why he'd gotten close to this new person. They knew the minute Minho first explained Jisung's past. Felix was in a similar position as Jisung before Stray Kids took him in so they understood his concerns for Jisung.

"Please just be nice to him."

"Alright, I think we can all agree that we'll do our best to make Jisung feel more comfortable here" Bangchan turned to face the others where he was greeted with nods and hums of agreement.

Felix smiled, content with the out come of the conversation.

Han Jisung POV

Throughout the chaos of being here, I hadn't realised I have not eaten since the morning of the incident where I got into all of this mess. And maybe it was my worries that made my appetite subside but it hadn't dawned on me until now that I was quite hungry.

One more reason I should join them for dinner tonight. 

I watched from the chair I was sat in as the blazing sun disappeared behind some trees that surrounded the tall fence of the property.

The view from the window looked down on the entrance of the mansion. I've never seen anything like it.

A fancy, electric gate was positioned at the end of the property with a road running all the way up to the modern building with trees perfectly planted on each side.

From there you could go down a slope into some sort of underground garage, like in the movies. Or straight to the entrance where a circular driveway looped back to the gate, along with a set of costly-looking stairs leading to the front door.

The longer I waited, the more my anxiety increased yet I knew no matter what, I had to see through and go to dinner.

Otherwise that'd mean I would be labelled useless and not be able to hold up my end of the deal or worse, maybe they'd ask for money. Maybe they'd... hurt me?

A unsettling shudder made me involuntarily shake at the thought.

"No, don't think about that" I whispered to myself as if someone might hear me if I spoke too loud.

The horrible feeling in my gut grew with the time which seemed to drag on.

All of a sudden, a gentle knock echoed throughout the room. I got up with haste from the comfort of my chair and answered the door cautiously.

There stood a man who seemed younger than me. He had foxy eyes that stared me down for a moment.

It was I.N.

I remember seeing him in that basement behind a computer.

Was he going to be rude like Lee Know? I wouldn't be surprised given that I did slap his member.

"Dinner is ready"

"Ah, okay" I replied as I awkwardly slipped out the door and waited to be shown the way.

As the pair of us walked  down the hallway, I stayed quiet not wanting to annoy him in any way.

"We haven't met properly, have we?" Continuing to walk, he glanced back at me.

I was surprised by his sudden conversation so I hesitated, "N-No we haven't"

"Chan introduced me as I.N but please call me Jeongin, I hope we can get to know each other considering you'll be around for a bit"

Some of my anxiety eased as I listened to his friendly words.

Even so, I still felt stiff around him as it's still the first time I've talked to him and there was something in the back of my mind telling me to keep my distance from each of them. Even Felix and especially Lee Know

I told myself that even if all the people I met here were the nicest people on earth, it'd nevertheless be hard to feel at ease with them due to all the things I don't know.

"I'd love to get to know you too," I let myself smile shyly at him, "I'm Jisung"

"I know" He broke out into a quiet laughter in which I joined.

I'm glad I could at least smile during a frightening situation.

Eventually, we reached the double doors that I recognised to be the same doors I first met all of them. 

That smile was now wiped from my face.

As Jeongin opened the door, it revealed all the main members who were seated at the table positioned in the middle of the modern room.

I scanned my eyes around the place however there was no sign of Lee Know. Though I did see Felix. He signalled me over to him where a empty seat at the end of the table was stationed next to his.

"Thank you" I voiced whilst placing myself into the chair.

"Bangchan cooked tonight" Felix mentioned with a smile.

Infront of me was a plate of tasty looking jjajangmyeon. I can't remember the last time I had a proper home cooked meal.

Since the others were distracted in their own conversation, I felt okay to speak, "It looks delicious"

"Thank you, Jisung" A voice across the table spoke up. I recognised him to be Bangchan, the leader. His tone was gentle and he wasn't as scary as I thought he'd be.

I shot a shy smile his way but before I could say anything further, the doors abruptly opened.

It was Lee Know. He noticed me sat down; his eyebrows raised slightly as if surprised to see me.

Gulping as he examined me up and down, we locked eyes.

In that moment, my heart stopped. I've never seen such piercing eyes... and I've never felt the way his presence makes me feel. He's a mystery. I knew there were things these people were hiding from me but Lee Know seems to be hiding the most.

"Finally" One of them spoke yet I was too distracted to recognise who.

Lee Know appeared to brake out of our gaze and continued to walk over and seat at the only other empty space. Right next to me. Great.

"Let's eat" He announced and each of them said their thanks and began eating.


thank you for reading this chapter! 

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