20 - Never Good Enough

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Third Person POV

"I can't help but notice you look annoyed, Mr Han" Hekima enunciated as Jisung seated himself at the table.

He was so annoyed. Why did Lee Know give him this mission if he was just going to back out when he got so close! 

Jisung sighed, "I bumped into a rude person, nothing serious"

"People these days have no manners"

"I agree."

Jisung eyed Furukawa up and down. It didn't seem like he had a weapon on him, but he wasn't certain.

Maybe he'd have to snag it when he wasn't looking and make a run for it. No, that's risky and dangerous.

What if he was straight up and just asked about it. Who knows, he may let down his guard. No, that could come off suspicious. 

Time flew fast, Hekima barely talked to Jisung. The pair just sat at the table, with empty glasses, watching everything around them.

Jisung nibbled at the endless supply of trays the waiters kept bringing over as he thought of countless different scenarios on how this could go down.

"Ah, look." Hekima was looking in the direction of the stage, "The host is about to make his speech"

Jisung looked over and saw a man in a bold suit at the stage stairs talking to a few people around him. In his hands were cards, obviously what he was going to read aloud. 

But that was the least of Jisung's worries. If he were to get any information, this was the time to do it.

When the host made his speech, everyone's attention would be on the stage.

But how?

How could he get the briefcase?

The white powder! Of course! The bottle of white powder Wonho gave him.

If he could get him to consume it, he'd be passed out. That's when he'd be able to get it!

Now to figure out how Hekima would digest it.

Jisung's eyes reverted to the empty glasses on the table.

"I'm going to get a refill. Would you like one too?" Jisung grabbed his cup and waited anxiously for a response.

His plan relies on Hekima accepting the offer otherwise, what else was he going to do?

After a moment of pondering, Furukawa nodded, "Why not. Tell them to put it on my bill, your drink too."

"Thanks" Jisung mentally cheered. He was determined to prove Lee Know wrong and he was going to do it tonight.

Back at Stray Kids' table, the members witnessed when Jisung stormed out the bathroom.

"Uh oh," Felix began, shocked, "I've never seen Jisung angry before!"

The others couldn't believe their eyes. Jisung was mad?

"Brace yourselves" Hyunjin joked as Lee Know approached the table even more angry than when he left.

"So?" Chan quizzed as the others all stared.

"He's going to get himself killed" He swiped at his drink, spilling some as he chugged the rest of it.

Changbin glanced over to the bar to find Jisung, talking to the bartender. Observing him, he quickly realised he was up to something.

"That'll be-"

"Oh, just put it on his bill" Jisung pointed at the man, who was sat watching the speech begin.

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