8. Not so blurry

421 19 2

3rd person pov

At 6pm all family members started to come back from their work. He met Yoongi and Hoseok 1st. Yoongi gave Jungkook a cold vibe at first, but later Jungkook got to know it's his personality. Actually the male is very warm cause he talked with Jungkook whole 15 minutes just to convince him to stay with them cause the place he lives in is really dangerous. Which ofcourse our little bunny declined. And Hoseok.....after seeing Jungkook he embraced the boy in a tight hug. Hoseok's sunshine smile made his mood lighten up even more. After that he became shocked to see his Principal and doctor in the house. He was in daze after seeing them. He snapped out when Jin hugged him.

" So it's really you my little brother." Jin smiled.
" Yeah hyung. But how come you are here." Jungkook still Jungshook.
" Ummm....I'm son in law of Kim family. He is Kim Namjoon my husband....I think you know him." Jin pointed at Namjoon.
" Yeah....anneyongseyo Mr. Kim....I'm really surprised to see you here." Jungkook said politely.
" Oh come on Jungkook....call me hyung outside of Uni. Yeah guys he is my favourite student." Namjoon ruffled Jungkook's hair.
" And why is that?" Taehyung asked.
" Duh....he is freaking topper in his department. He is so talented." Namjoon said proudly.
" But how come Jin hyung knows...." Yoonso cut off by her daughter.
" Kookie you pomished us to play after mweting everyone." Minji pouted.
" Yeah kookie let's play upstair. We shouldn't stay with these old souls or else we'll become old soon." Jinsoo said.
" Yeah you brat....." Jin couldn't finished his line as those two brats took Jungkook with them already.

After he turn back and found out everyone is looking at him like he have something to explain except his husband He sighed and said,
" What do you guys wanna know?"
" How do you and Jungkook know each other?" Taehyung asked.
" He is my patient." Jin replied.
" Patient....i-is he sick...w-what happened to him?" Yoonso panicked.
" Come down Princess...." Yoongi tried to calm his wife.
" No tell me." Yoonso said sternly.
" Uhhhh....he had a surgery when he was 7. He took two bullets in a accident he doesn't remember. Back then his doctor took out one bullet but other one still inside his laung cause his body couldn't take that serious surgery. After he moved to Seoul he became my patient." Jin explained.
" How is his condition?" Yoongi asked as his wife already crying and saying that she failed to protect his brother.
" Ummm....if he doesn't take surgery in next 3 months he has a great life risk. I already pressured him many time to take the surgery. He says he doesn't have money. So I told him I'll perform his surgery for free. But he is stubborn to not to take anyone's kindness. He doesn't wanna be a bother." Jin huffed.

Jin is really tensed about the brunette's health. He really care for him. He see's him as his younger brother as he doesn't have one.

" It's all my fault. Only if I could reach there in time." Junghyun sighed. Guilt is eating him up.
" Dad....it's ok you tried your best." Yoonso is normal by now.
" No it's not. I promised your dad to take care of both of you. I'm such a failure." Junghyun said.
" It's ok dad we will figure something out." Namjoon tried to clam his father down.
" Can we just kidnap him to done the surgery?" Taehyung proposed.
" No dumbass.....chloroform is dangerous for him." Jin said.
" How about all of us try to convince him somehow." Hoseok said.
" That's good idea. All of us should gain him trust. We should spend time with him. Specially Yoonso.....you are his sister. I think if you spend more time with him he can remember you. After that we can persuade him to take that surgery." Yoongi said.
" Good idea....so our mission is in next 1 month 'Persuade Jungkook to take his surgery'." Taehyung said.
" Yeah we are in." All of them said in unison.
" Son I have something to tell you." Junghyun looked at Taehyung.
" Yes dad." Taehyung replied.
" I'm really scared of Jungkook's safety. I want you to appoint 4 of our best gang member to protect him 24/7 secretly. He shouldn't know." Junghyun said.
" Ok dad." Taehyung replied.
" Ok let's go to Yoonso. We should make a great feast for Jungkook tonight." Jin said.
" Yeah....ikr....let's go bitch....let's show everyone our hand magic once again today." Yoonso and Jin went toward kitchen.
" They'll never change." Namjoon sighed.
" Ikr" Yoongi sighed too.

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