9.Breathe and Jiseok

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3rd person pov

Jungkook is currently sitting alone in cafeteria. All of his friends are busy with basketball and cheerleading practice. Since it's only practice so he didn't went there. He was eating a sandwich and drinking banana milk while scrolling Twitter. Suddenly he got message from Hobi hyung.

Hey kook, you said you work at a bakery shop. Suddenly I'm craving for some cake. Can I get your workplace's address?

Ofcourse hyung. It's very famous bakery shop in Seoul. The name is 'Sweet Mochi'.....it's a bakery shop and a cafe too.

Ok when is your shift?

3pm hyung.

Ok see you later then.

Okie hyung.

Jungkook finished messaging with Hobi. He didn't notice that someone was standing beside him. When he realised he flinched and found out it was Kriss.

" Are you mute hyung? You scared me to death." Jungkook huffed.
" Sorry....I didn't mean to. You were busy so I didn't disturb you. Can I sit here?" Kriss asked.
" Ofcourse hyung." Jungkook smiled.
" So....where are your friends?" Kriss asked.
" They are busy with basketball practice." Jungkook replied.
" Oh....y..." Kriss cut off by Luhan's high pitch voice.
" KOOKIEEEEEEE." Luhan was literally running towards Jungkook.
" Hannie hyung." Jungkook smiled.
" Ok then I should get going. See you later." Kriss said and went away.
" Kookieee." Luhan hugged Jungkook.
" Hannie hyung....don't you have practice?" Jungkook asked.
" Oh I skipped it. Knowing you are alone I couldn't concentrate to game." Luhan huffed.
" No hyung game is important. Day after tomorrow you guys have such a important match. Go to practice right now." Jungkook pouted.
" Buttt...." Luhan cut of by Jungkook.
" No buts.....go right now. Don't worry about me. I was totally fine." Jungkook said.
" Ok...." Luhan went back to practice.

And again Jungkook started to scrolling Twitter and giggling whenever he saw something funny. Suddenly he felt a slap on his head. He looked behind and found a fuming Sana.

" Bitch....you again talked with Kriss oppa. How dare you. You piece of shit." Sana yelled.
" Kriss hyung came to me. I didn't right?" Jungkook said timidly.
" You slut....you still have audacity to talk back. Let me teach you a good lesson today." Sana gripped the poor boy's hair and threw him to ground.

Then she slapped several time on his cheeks. Jungkook started to cry. She looked around and found Jungkook's banana milk.

" You love this shit so fucking much right. Today let me scrub your ugly pathetic face with it." Sana took the glass and poured it on Jungkook's whole body.

And Jungkook started to cry more. He started to hiccup and that's how he again started to have his breathing problem. After seeing the brunette's condition Sana and her minions started to laugh loudly. But suddenly flinched because of a deep scary voice.

" Had fun enough?"

She turned back and found Principal is staring at her dangerously.

" Sir...I I can..." Sana cut off by Namjoon.
" There is nothing to explain. Meet me in my office after 1 hour." Namjoon went to Jungkook.

Namjoon couldn't do anything to the girl right now. Cause he saw Jungkook is having breathing problem.

" Kook...Kook.....breathe." Namjoon panicked and saw Jungkook is pointing at his bag which is still on table. Namjoon took the bag to other male.
" F-fr-ont po-poc-et.....in-hal-er....." Jungkook stuttered badly.

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