33. Realisation

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3rd person pov

" Itshhhh true...I rweally saw our dadda." Woonie whined while stomping him foot on the ground.

Currently the two siblings are having debate in theirs momma's temporary cabin. Jungkook came to his client to have a meeting about their collaboration.

The CEO of the company gave him a temporary cabin. Jungkook strictly told them to stay inside the cabin no matter what. So being bored two siblings decided to debate about weather Woonie saw their dadda or not.

" Oppa....if you really saw dadda then why didn't he came with us?" Aera said.

" That's why I'm confused. But believe me sis. You know Woonie doesn't lieeee." Woonie said.

" Ok...if you see him next time tell me. Now let'sh play game." Aera said.

Jungkook has two Mobile phones. One for his business related work another for family and for his babies to play game sometime.

Two of them started to play game on the phone. Suddenly a beautiful lady barged in. The lady was the CEO's assistant. Jungkook asked her to look after his babies.

" Hi babies....." The girl chirped.

" Hi....umhh...who awre you?" Woonie asked.

" I'm a friend of your momma. He told the you guys don't have any friend so I'm here to make you my new friend." The lady squealed.

" Hi I'm Aera...he is my oppa Woonie. What's your name?" Aera asked while smiling.

" My name is Elena...." Elena said.

" You have a pwetty name." Woonie jumped a little.

" Thank you babies. You guys are must be getting bored right?" Elena said.

" Yesh....vwery much." Aera and Woonie said in unison.

" Then let's go out. There is a park nearby. You will love to play with other kids." Elena said while grabbing both of their hands.

" Let's gooooooooooo....." Both said excitedly.

After a while they found themselves in a park where so many kids were playing. They started to play too Elena also joined them.

Half an hour later they got tired and sat down on the grass. Elena got an important call so she told them to stay right there until she comes back.

They were giggling when they saw two kids started to acting crazily. They were oblivious about the fact that 1 pair of eyes continuously following their every act.

Yes Vantae Gambino was following them from the moment they went out of the building. When he saw Elena was going to other side he approached the kids.

" Hey kiddos!!" Vantae jumped between the duo.

" Ahhhhhh....who awr you?" Both screamed a little.

In answer Vantae pulled his mask off. Woonie squealed and Aera gasped.

" Dadda you awr backkkk?!!!!" Woonie jumped a little.

" So...so oppa wasn't lying?!" Aera said in teary eyes.

Aera jumped in Vantae's arms and started to sob.

" We were waiting for you to come....where were you dadda? Momma cries every night holding you photo. You are meanieeeeee.....uahhhhaaaaa....." Aera cried.

Baby girl's tend to seek father figure as they feels secured in theirs father's arms.
( Author herself relates )

Woonie also climbed on Vantae's lap and hugged him. Vantae felt some bond with the kids. He doesn't know why but he felt so fatherly. He started to cress both of their back to soothe them.

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