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Shivaay was nervous as ever. He was getting to meet his children for the first time. He was going to see them at the cafe after school. He was so nervous, he even forgot to have breakfast. When he walked in through the blue door, he saw Annika and Neil, deep in conversation, over a cup of coffee. His heart sank a bit seeing her laugh at something he said, but felt at peace knowing that she was with a good guy...a good partner. "Hey! Shivaay! How are you buddy?" Neil greeted him with a firm handshake.  Annika seemed a bit nervous seeing him, but smiled. "Err...I am okay I guess" and his damn stomach grumbled. "Want a muffin?" Annika offered recalling that he skipped breakfast whenever he had an important business meeting, and he accepted.

"Yeah...I'll have one, as long as you are not going to throw it at me!",He grinned.

"Well it depends..." Annika smiled mischievously and he almost dodged when she pretended to throw one at him. Neil laughed and then changed the subject to a more serous one.  "So...we spoke to the kids...they seem alright...but I guess, it will take some time for all of us to get use to having you around!"

"I know...I will do my best! By the way...I wanted to ask you guys...Is it alright if I take them out to where I am working? I am fixing up this cottage, close by...Just in the other neighbourhood...I thought we could bond on something like painting?" He asked for permission.

"Child labour? Quite the businessman you are Shivaay!" Annika raised an eye brow crossing her arms and Neil gave her a look. She rolled her eyes at him. "Alright fine...But I need to know where they are and they are safe! No construction stuff around them...and Ansh has allergies...He might not like the paint smell!" She started listing out the precautions. "It's fine sweetheart, I have packed his medication, and the inhaler, he'll be just fine, I think it will be fun for the kids!" Neil reassured, and Shivaay was thankful to this man. Annika clearly was finding it difficult to adjust to the new dynamic of their relationship. "Err...If you want...you guys can come too...maybe kids would feel more comfortable?" Shivaay invited them to join. "Oh no buddy...not today..I have some work! Sweetheart why don't you go with them?" Neil asked knowing that Annika was having a tough time letting the kids go. "No...Today is the weekend...The cafe is going to be busy!" She lied.

The door bell rattled as Ansh and Shivi came running through, straight to Annika and hugged her "MOMMA!". Annika hugged them tight and kissed them both on their cheeks. They both stood by her quietly noticing Shivaay. Annika held their little hands, and guided them over to Shivaay. She knelt down beside them, so she was at their eye level. "Ansh..Shivi...You remember Neil Baaba explained to you how Shivaay...Your papa, is going to spend time with you today?" They nodded. "So he's here to pick you guys up! I'll come back to get you in a few hours okay? Promise me you will be good?" They nodded again without uttering a word, and hugged her back. Shivaay, saw the confused little eyes scrutinising him, perplexed, perhaps wondering why he had turned up after such a long time? Perhaps, they are not even sure he was their dad? Maybe he was not what they were expecting their father to be? After all they thought that their father was some cool spy saving the world all this time. Annika had set the bar too high for him. Will he ever be able to live up to their expectations?"Err...Shall we?" He asked them, holding out a hand. Both Ansh and Shivi looked at him and Annika, who gave them permission to go. They didn't take his hand, but followed him out. Annika stood by the blue door, worried, and nervous. She suddenly felt so alone, as the three of them walked up the street and disappeared. Tears started to pour down, and Neil put his arm around her pacifying her. "It's alright Sweetheart, they are going to come back to you! Always!" He reassured.

A month later

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