Parent Life (Izuocha)

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Requested by @BrendanLodden

Izuku gently opened the door, letting his wife in first. Ochako entered her and her husband's home, carrying a small newborn child in her arms. Once she was inside, Izuku hugged her gently from behind, and looked over her shoulder at the baby in her arms. "Welcome to your new home, Toshi", Ochako softly said. Her baby son gave a soft whimper in response. "You hungry?", Izuku asked his lover. "I'll go make you some food."

While the green haired man made his way to the kitchen, Ochako took a seat on the couch, where she continued to cradle the little bundle of joy in her arms. He stretched out his tiny little arms and took hold of the hem of his mother's shirt. "I guess you must be hungry too, huh." Ochako took the part of her shirt that her baby was grabbing and pulled it down to expose her breast. Toshi cupped the nipple in his mouth and began to suck the milk out.

Izuku walked in with a plate of melonpan. He sat down next to his wife with the plate in his lap. He tore a piece off of the bread and held it in front of Ochako's mouth. She opened it and took a bite. Her eyes widened when she felt a hard tug on her tit. She looked down to see Toshi holding it tightly. "So strong at such a young age."

"Guess that means bullies won't mess with him in the future", joked Izuku. "Bet that would make Kacchan proud. By the way, do you want me to let everyone know about..." "Not yet. I just need to rest for a bit." Izuku smiled and kissed Ochako's cheek. "Whatever you want. Just means we get to spend more time with this little guy."

Izuku brushed his finger gently on Toshi's nose. The infant popped his mother's nipple out of his mouth and begun sucking on his father's finger. The two parents laughed at their child's little mistake. "Sorry, Toshi. That's not your mom's tit. Besides, it tastes better. I should know." Ochako smacked her husband's shoulder at his remark, but he only gave a laugh in response.

. . .

It was late at night, and the Midoriya couple were in bed together, snuggling in each other's embrace as they slept. But the moment was short lived, courtesy of their infant son crying. Ochako reluctantly got out of bed and made her way to the nursery, where Toshi lied in his crib, moving his arms and legs as he wailed. Ochako walked closer and picked him up, patting his back to soothe him.

"He okay?", Izuku said as he walked into the room, still pretty much asleep. "Yes he is", said Ochako while laughing lightly. "You didn't have to come." "He's my son too, Ocha. Just wanted to... *yawn* see if he's okay." "Well, as you can see, he is", chuckled Ochako. Izuku yawned. "I'm going back to bed." "See you there", replied his wife, continuing to soothe her child.

. . .

Izuku walked into the agency with a hint of dark circles under his eyes. "You look awful", said Shoto. "Oh, congratulations by the way." "Thanks", said Izuku, before letting out a yawn. And a big one at that.

"Deku!", exclaimed Bakugo as he walked over to his friend. "Heard you finally become a dad. When can we come see the kid?" "Whenever you guys like", said Midoriya, a little tiredly. Bakugo raised an eyebrow. "You look like shit." "I know. Just didn't get much sleep last night." "I know the feeling", said Shoto. "I just have twins, though." "Then why the fuck aren't you super tired then?", asked Bakugo. "Because they didn't cry the entire night." Bakugo rolled his eyes and looked back at Izuku. "So? How's it feel being a dad?"

"Don't know just fully yet", said Izuku. "But I gotta say, it feels... wonderful. Seeing what me and Ochako had created. It makes me feel... I don't even know how to describe it." "It's a good feeling", said Shoto. "Okay, we get it, Icy Hot! Deku's a dad like you now." Shoto just glared at the ash blonde, then looked back at Izuku. "Try not to overwork yourself. Especially considering the state you're in now." Izuku let out another yawn. "I won't. Thanks guys." Bakugo held his hands behind his head. "Guess I gotta go knock up Camie now, huh?"

Izuku and Shoto looked at him confused. "What? I don't wanna be left out! Hell, even Shitty Hair got Raccoon Eyes pregnant!" "We aren't stopping you", said Shoto. "Just good luck with sleeping said Izuku." "You idiots make it sound like it's a big deal." "You have no idea", said Shoto and Izuku at the same time.

. . .

Ochako was breastfeeding her baby again, and still did so upon hearing the door open.

"I'm home", said Izuku, who plopped down next to his wife. "How was work?", she asked. "Did you get too tired, or..." "Things were quiet. Wasn't much for me to do", said Izuku as he snuggled close to Ochako. "Kacchan is now planning to make himself a dad too." Ochako laughed. "Did you make him jealous or something?" "Me, Shoto, and Eijirou probably did, yes." Ochako laughed. "How was your day?" "Toshi's been quiet. Ironic, considering last night. My parents stopped by earlier too." "Wish I could've come to see them", said Izuku.

"You were at work, Izuku. It's okay", said Ochako as she kissed her husband's nose. "Now go get some sleep. You've earned it no thanks to Toshi over here." "But I want to spend time with the two of you." "We'll still be here when you wake up. Now go get some sleep." Izuku sighed with a smile. "Yes ma'am." Izuku got up and made his way to the bedroom, where he took a nice long nap.

Later that night, Toshi kept his parents awake again. But that didn't bother them. It never did. They knew what they were signing up for when the tried for a baby. They wouldn't trade their son for the world.

The same went for the second child they had six years later.

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