Trick-or-Treating with Chi (Nishikata x Takagi)

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Requested by @HelloItzTyler

"So what do you want to be?", Nishikata asked his daughter. "A spooky monster!", the little girl answered. Nishikata chuckled. "Okay, but what kind of monster?" "A spooky one!" Once again, the man couldn't help but laugh. "What's going on here?", came a voice from behind the father and daughter duo. It was Nishikata's wife, the former Takagi.

The man couldn't help but stare in awe at his wife's costume. She wore a long black dress with a big collar lifted up. If you looked close enough, you could also see a pair of fangs in the woman's mouth.

Nishikata snapped put of his daze enough to gesture towards his daughter. "Chi here wants to be a scary monster." "Really?", asked the former Takagi as she crouched down to her daughter's level. "What monster is that, Chi?" "A scary monster!" Takagi laughed. "Okay, but what do you want the monster to look like?" Chi put her finger to her chin and began thinking. "How about we leave you to decide so I can work on daddy's costume, okay?" Chi nodded in agreement.

The former Takagi led her husband to their room, where the began planning on the man's costume for Halloween. "By the way", began the woman. "I noticed the way you were looking at me earlier." Nishikata blushed a bit. "So you think I look pretty?", asked his wife. "In anything", he answered. "Yet I'm always taken by surprise just how beautiful you look." The former Takagi placed a kiss on her lover's cheek. "Such a charmer."

The woman walked to the bed where Nishikata's costume was. "A pirate, huh?" She picked it up and inspected it. "I think I remember you dressing up as a pirate at that party back in high school." Nishikata smiled at the memory. "Yep. The two of us, dancing together, you wearing a very attractive costume and looking beautiful yet again..." "And then being forced into a closet to play Seven Minutes in Heaven", the former Takagi continued. "You were a very sexy pirate by the way." Nishikata blushed. "I wasn't that sexy. It wasn't even a great costume."

The former Takagi shrugged. "You're right", she said. "But that's no excuse for how amazing those seven minutes were." Nishikata chuckled bashfully. His wife then shoved his costume into his chest. "Now get dressed. We don't want Chi to miss out on her first trick-or-treating." "She's gonna miss it if she can't decide her costume", explained Nishikata. "She's new to this, dear. Give her time." As if on queue, the couple's daughter appeared before them. "I wanna wear this!" Chi showed her parents the black and white striped shirt she was wearing.

"Okay, but where's the monster part?", asked Nishikata. "Hold on", said his wife. She walked over to the closet. "I think I have... here we go." The former Takagi brought four black hair clips to her daughter. "I wore these when I was a jack-o-lantern for Halloween one time. I think these are perfect for your costume, Chi." The former Takagi crouched down and put the accessories in her daughter's hair. "There. Now you're a scary monster."

Chi ran to the mirror, where she laughed in joy at her outfit. "I love it!" She then turned to her parents, her look of joy turning into one of confusion upon looking at her father. "Where's your costume, Daddy?" "Still need to put it on", Nishikata explained. "Then do it! I wanna go get candy!" The little girl's parents couldn't help but laugh. "Just wait outside, sweetie. We're almost done."

Chi dashed out of her parents' room while the former Takagi prepared to help her husband put on his costume.

. . .

The Nishikata family walked down the road in the middle of the night, the same as everyone else, ready to celebrate the spooky holiday known as Halloween.

"Let's go!", cheered Chi as she tugged at her mother's sleeve. She followed her with her husband walking behind her. Chi excitedly pressed the doorbell, and listened to the chime. A woman opened the door holding a bowl of candy. Chi lifted up her bucket with a big smile on her face. She remained quiet while doing this. "Chi", said the former Takagi. "You're supposed to say trick or treat."

Chi, in a slight panic, did the routine properly. "Trick or treat!" The woman in front of her laughed lightly and put some candy in her bag. "Now what do we say?", asked Nishikata. "Thank you!", said Chi.

The lady nodded. "You are very welcome, sweetie." The family of three greeted her and went their separate ways. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?", asked Nishikata. Chi nodded and looked into her bag at all the candy she received. "Don't eat all of that at once, honey. You'll get sick", said the former Takagi. "But then all her teeth will fall out. That would just mean a lot of money from the tooth fairy", said Nishikata. Chi looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Don't give her any ideas", the former Takagi said sternly to her husband.

Nishikata chuckled. "Yeah, sorry Chi. You heard your mother." Chi grumbled in disappointment, which vanished as soon as she saw the next house. She dashed to it with her parents in tow. She rung the doorbell, and a man walked out. "Trick or treat!" The man at the door happily put candy in her bag. "Thank you!", she said. The man nodded and watched as the family left. "You're doing really great so far, sweetheart", said the former Takagi. Chi's eyes sparkled at the comment her mother gave her. She then noticed another house.

"Something wrong Chi?", Nishikata asked upon noticing that something was on his daughter's mind. "Can I... can I do this one alone?", she asked. Her parents were surprised by this request. They looked at each other, shared a smile, then looked back at their daughter. "Sure", said the former Takagi. Chi made her way to the house on her own, and rung the doorbell. The door opened to reveal a woman. "Trick or treat!" Nishikata and the former Takagi looked on at their daughter with wide smiles plastered onto their faces.

"Hello there. What are you dressed as?", the woman asked Chi. "A monster! A scary monster!", said Chi. The woman chuckled. "Indeed you are. Here you go", she said, putting candy in Chi's bag. "Thank you!" The woman nodded with a kind smile on her face. Chi made her way back to her parents, who were waiting with a dozen of praises in order. "I did it! Did you see!"

"We did, honey", said the former Takagi. "We are so proud of you for being so brave." Nishikata crouched down and hugged his daughter. "That's my girl!" Chi laughed at her parents' appraisal.

. . .

The former Takagi picked up the candy wrappers that were littered around her sleeping daughter. Nishikata put the bag with the rest of the candy somewhere else.

"That went well", he said. "Chi's a strong girl. You know that, right?", said his wife. "Yeah, I know. She gets it from you", Nishikata said as he hugged the former Takagi. "You think I'm strong?" "Being able to tease me for most of my life with a confident smirk? You have your answer right there." The brunette woman smiled and turned to give her husband a kiss.

As he did this, he could feel the fake pair of vampire fangs in her mouth. "Sorry about that", said the woman, taking out the fangs. She then continued to kiss the man that she loved.

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