Under the Moonlight (Dominoé)

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Warning! This is a lemon chapter!

Dominique awoke, sitting upright in her bed. Her hand rubbed her face to get rid of any traces of sleep remaining on her. Her other hand rested on the spot next to her, feeling that it was empty. The young woman got up and looked around her home for her significant other, not seeing him anywhere. The only thing that caught her eye was the delicious breakfast prepared on the table.

Before Dominique could question this further, the sound of panting and running feet was heard. A familiar face ran into the kitchen, out of breath and holding a bouquet. "Morning, Noé", greeted Dominique. Noé regained his breath a bit and stood up straight. "I thought you'd still be in bed." "Without my darling husband to snuggle with? I think not." Noé chuckled.

Dominique sat by the table in front of the breakfast. "You seem to be spoiling me this morning. Any special occasion?" Noé placed the bouquet down and placed kiss on his wife's lips. "You think I'd forget our anniversary?" Dominique smiled. "In that case, happy two years, mon chéri." The husband and wife shared another kiss, until the young woman noticed the flowers her husband brought.

It was a bundle of yellow calendulas, with a refreshing smell that seeped into Dominique's nose. "They reminded me of your eyes", said Noé, making his lover blush. She then glanced at the breakfast, which were syrup coated pancakes, and picked up the cutlery on each side of the plate. Noé simply watched as she enjoyed the food he had made specially for her.

"So what are our plans for today?", asked the female vampire. Noé began to think. "Well, we could... go for a walk." "Just a walk?" "Yes. After you've packed a few things you'd want." Dominique raised her eyebrow. "What are you up to, Noé?" The silver haired man chuckled and wrapped his arm around his wife, then rested his head on her shoulder. "Just thinking about the lovely meals we will be having. And the pool we will be taking a swim in. Not to forget the very comfortable bed we will be sleeping in together."

Dominique's interest was peaked. "Where is this going?" "Where we are going, is a lovely little place called Sanctuaire Hotel", said Noé. His wife's eyes widened. The Sanctuaire Hotel had a reputation as one of the greatest hotels in the city of Paris. Dominique has always wanted to go there, but could never get the right time to do it. Until now, that is. "When do we leave?", asked the young woman excitedly. "Whenever you like", answered Noé. "But preferably not too late." Dominique practically gobbled up her breakfast.

"I'll go pack my things!", she said, running up the stairs to the bedroom at an inhuman speed. Noé chuckled. "I knew she'd be excited, but not this excited."

. . .

Dominique opened the door to her and her lover's hotel room, admiring it all with sparkling eyes as if she were a little girl getting her very own pet horse. "It's even better than I imagined!", she said.

"And it's reserved for just the two of us", said Noé as he hugged his wife from behind. Two staff members of the hotel came in and gently placed the couple's luggage down. They thanked them, and were left alone together again.

"So what is first on our agenda?", Noé asked. Before Dominique could respond, a faint but clear grumble emitted from her stomach, making her chuckle embarrassingly. "Maybe dinner." Noé looked at the clock on the bedside table, seeing that it was just about lunchtime. "Let's go see what cuisines this place has to offer, shall we?", he said, slipping his hand into his lover's and leading her out of the room and to the hotel's dining area.

Once they arrived, they took a seat by the table and looked at the menus in front of them. "I'm in the mood for some soufflé", said Noé. "What about you, Domi?" "Tomates farcies", said Dominique almost immediately. "Got it", said a waiter that was already standing at the couple's table, writing down their orders and walking away once he was done. "That was quick", chuckled Noé. "I did hear the service here was good", said Dominique.

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