Christmas Tree (Ryuuji x Taiga)

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Christmas season had started, and everyone decorated their homes to emphasize their holiday spirit. And the most prominent object for this event: a Christmas tree. In the Takasu household, the lovely couple that resided in it were busy partaking in the holiday tradition of decorating their home for the holiday season.

Ryuuji was hanging up Christmas lights on the roof outside of the house, only adding the finishing touches. Once that was done, he climbed down the ladder he had used to get up on the roof in the first place. The young man walked into his home, and heard the sounds of his wife struggling with something. He made his way up the stairs, seeing the young woman busy attempting to pick up and carry a Christmas tree.

"Need help there, Taiga?", asked Ryuuji. "No. I got it", said Taiga, a bit of a strain in her voice due to the bigger object she was trying to pick up. She may have grown a bit throughout the years, but she was still shorter than her husband. "Here", he said, taking the Christmas tree away from his lover. She only blushed from embarrassment in response.

Her embarrassment disappeared quickly, however, due to noticing what was on her husband's head. She couldn't help but laugh. "What?", asked Ryuuji. "What are you wearing?", said Taiga through fits of laughter. Her husband inspected himself, wondering why she was laughing at his outfit, before remembering the accessories he put on his head and face. He then started to let out a laugh a bit as well. "You like them?", he asked.

"They're cute", said Taiga. "Where did you get them?" "Bought it when me and my mom went Christmas shopping. I saw them and they reminded of me when we were back in high school and... you know... Santa came to visit." Taiga chuckled. Up until the end of their years in high school, she believed in the existence of the iconic fat man clad in red everyone knew as Santa Claus. It was only until a little later into her adult life did she learn the disappointing truth. But she got over it. Surprisingly quick, too.

The couple made it into the living room, where Ryuuji placed down the Christmas tree to prepare to decorate it. "I'll go get the decorations!", said Taiga as she ran back up the stairs, before coming back quickly. "And this time I can handle it!", she said, then ran back up. Ryuuji smiled at her, then proceeded to straighten out the branches on the tree. It wasn't long until Taiga came back downstairs, this time slower on account of carrying the box full of ornaments. "You still got it?", asked Ryuuji. Taiga replied with a nod.

She walked up to the tree and placed the box down, then stretched her back and let out a long breath. Ryuuji reached into it and took out an ornament. Taiga recovered quickly, and joined him in covering their tree with colorful ornaments. It wasn't too over the top. Just some spherical ornaments as well as some star shaped ones, added by white tinsel going all around. While the happy couple decorated, Taiga began to hum a little tune. Ryuuji listened to her. Whether it be a hum or full on singing, he found her voice beautiful.

"There. All done", said the young woman. "Not yet", said her husband. He took out the final ornament: a crystal star. He put it at the top of the tree, then joined his wife as they stared at it with pride in their work.

They then sat on the couch, continuing to admire their work while also snuggling. "I'm pretty proud of what we did here", said Ryuuji. "Me too", replied Taiga. She looked down at the base of the tree, and couldn't help but imagine a little scenario of two children bearing similarities to her and her husband.

"Oh, I just remembered. There are some presents I have to put under there. I'll be right back", said Ryuuji. He placed a kiss on his wife's cheek and ran up the stairs. Taiga now had an opening to dash to the table on the side of the couch, opening the drawer and taking out a box. She opened it to see if what was in there was still in there. And it was. It was a pregnancy test that read positive.

Taiga put it back in the box and rested it under the Christmas tree. "Christmas couldn't come any sooner."

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