Trick-or-Treat with the Forgers (Twiyor)

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"And... there", said Yor as she finished painting Anya's nose. The little girl turned to the mirror and smiled gleefully at her completed monster costume. "Now we can go trick-or-treating!", she cheered while dashing to the door. At that moment, Loid walked out, wearing a blue penguin onesie. "Why did I have to wear this again?" "It was too big for me", said Yor. "But I do wish I could wear it. It looks so comfortable."

Loid chuckled and looked at his costume. "You're not wrong there. I could almost sleep in this." Yor hugged him. "And I could just snuggle close to you while you do." "Careful. You're giving me some ideas", Loid said.

"Mama! Papa! Let's go!", Anya called. The couple separated from their embrace. "But first, let's go get Anya candy", said Loid. "By the way, I like your costume." Yor smiled. "Thank you. I'm a robot", she said, moving her arms like a robot. "I can see that", chuckled Loid, flicking her antenna. "Hey!", Yor whined playfully. "Don't do that!" "Mama! Papa!", Anya called, puffing her cheeks. "Sorry", said Loid and Yor at once.

The couple joined hands and left with their daughter to go trick-or-treating.

. . .

Anya was walking happily with her bucket, while her parents were scanning the streets for any signs of threats towards their child. So far, there was no such thing.

The pink haired girl ran up towards a house and rung the doorbell. The door opened and a woman walked out. "Trick or treat!", Anya said. The woman smiled and took candy out of her bowl and put it in her bucket. Anya smiled brightly, while Loid and Yor giggled at her excitement. "Thank you!", she said, and the woman nodded.

"Mama! Papa! Look! I got Candy!" "That's great, sweetheart!", said Yor. "I want more!", exclaimed her daughter as she began to run to the next house. Loid sighed. "She's going to get sick by the end of tonight."

Yor put her hand on his shoulder. "She's just a child. And it's Halloween. Let her have fun." Loid smiled at his wife. He never got to have much fun as a child, so it was best to let Anya have her fun. "You're right." Yor smiled at her husband and took his hand as they continued following their daughter through the street.

Just then, Yor spotted a car coming down the road, and the passengers in it were tossing eggs out the windows at trick-or-treaters. And worst of all, they were heading for Anya. Yor began to run at the speed of light.

One of the passengers tossed another egg, and this time it was heading straight towards Anya. Before it could hit her, however, Yor had caught it, and tossed it back with full might, making it smash against its thrower's forehead. The driver looked at Yor, who gave a him a menacing glare that sent chills up his spine.

They had no choice but to cancel their egging and leave before they suffer the combined might of the Forger couple. Yor turned around to face Anya. "Are you okay, Anya?", she asked. But the little girl only stared at her mother with widened eyes. Not because she was frightened, but because she was in shock at how cool the woman was. "Are you both alright?", Loid asked as soon as he was beside his family. "We're fine", Yor answered, making her husband sigh in relief. "Some people just take Halloween celebrations too far."

The Forger couple watched as their daughter ran up to another house, and stood and waited for her. "How's your hand?", asked Loid. Yor looked at said hand, and noticed a small drop of egg fluid on the palm. "It's fine, actually. But I must have cracked it a bit when I caught it." "As long as you're not hurt, I'm happy." Anya returned to her parents, excitement on her face. "Look, Mama! More candy!" "You're getting quite spoiled tonight, aren't you?", asked Yor. Anya nodded, and continued on her merry way to the next house.

. . .

The Forger continued trick-or-treating until it was close to midnight. As Anya had just finished collecting candy from her last house, she opened her mouth wide to release a yawn. "Are you tired, Anya?", asked Loid. Anya shook her head. "No I'm no-!" Another yawn. The little girl's parents chuckled. It's getting late. Everyone will probably be going to sleep now", said Yor. "I think we should too."

She offered out her hand to Anya, who took it. The family then walked all the way back to their home. Once they reached the doorstep, Anya's eyes closed, and it was up to Loid to carry her back up to the apartment, while Yor took her bucket of candy. They reached their home, and opened the door quietly as possible. Loid went to Anya's room and gently laid her on her bed, while Yor watched from the doorway.

Loid walked out of the room and headed towards Anya's bucket of candy. He took out one and popped it in his mouth. "Loid", Yor said, almost in a scolding manner. "What? I'm not going to eat all of it." Yor rolled her eyes.

"You can have one too", said Loid as he handed a peppermint to his wife. She reluctantly took it and put it in her mouth. "These are good. You should try them." Loid took out another peppermint and popped it in his mouth, before Yor captured his lips and moved the candy into her own mouth. "You sneaky minx", said Loid while his lover only giggled. "I think we should stop here. Wouldn't want to eat all of Anya's candy."

"Agreed", nodded Yor, as she stepped closer to her husband. "Let's get to bed. I still want to snuggle against this outfit of yours." Loid smiled at her and picked her up in a princess carry. "No time to waste then", he said before taking his wife with him to their bedroom.

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