Your Interests are Mine (Yatori)

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Daikoku had washed the last of the dishes, before turning around and coming face to face with a certain god in a tracksuit. The latter's appearance was so unexpected, Daikoku jumped back a bit and bumped into the counter. "What the hell, Yato? Don't scare me like that." The man then looked at Yato's face, which had a serious expression on it. "Something wrong?" "Daikoku", began Yato. "I have something I need to ask you." "What is it?", asked Daikoku, crossing his arms. Yato sighed, and began to speak.

"What do you know about martial arts?"

A silence hung in the air, before a puzzled expression appeared on Daikoku's face. "Say what now." "Martial arts. The kind they do in sports", continued Yato. Daikoku looked at the god, seeing that he was indeed serious. "Okay, what's this about?" "He's trying to learn about martial arts for Hiyori", Yukine answered from the dining room. "Shut up!", exclaimed Yato with a flustered face. Daikoku let out a chuckle.

"That's what the big deal is?" Yato tapped his fingers together in embarrassment. "It's just... she's my girlfriend and all, and she's also into martial arts. I just want to know about it because we almost always do what I like." "Awww!", cooed Kofuku, who popped into the room. "That's so sweet!" Daikoku put his hand on Yato's shoulder. "Say no more. I'll teach you what I can." Yato hugged the man. "Thank you!"

. . .

Hiyori walked out of the store with a bag in her hand. In that bag was snacks for her for tonight. As she turned to walk back to her home, she spotted Yato leaning against the wall, as if waiting for someone.

"Hi Yato", the girl greeted with a smile. "Hey Hiyori. Whatcha got there?", asked the god while he pointed at the bag in his girlfriend's hand. She looked at it, then back at him. "Just some snacks." "Well those snacks look like they're fit for a movie. Say, are you watching another mixed martial arts match? I heard Touno is fighting tonight." Hiyori raised and eyebrow. "You... heard?" "Heard. Read up. Point is, I know about it."

Hiyori giggled and walked ahead. "You can come with me if you'd like." "Why wouldn't I?", asked Yato. "Just... I didn't think mixed martial arts was really your style." "Us gods fight evil spirits with magical weapons, Hiyori. Why wouldn't I be fond of a sport that's all about combat?" Hiyori chuckled. "You got me there. Alright let's go." Yato dashed beside his lover and took her hand, and the couple were finally off.

The walk wasn't long, as Hiyori's house was quite close. Once she and her lover were there, they walked through the door and took their seats in the living room. Yato watched as his girlfriend was bubbling with excitement, eyes on the TV and remote in hand. Hiyori pressed the power button and an image popped on screen, one of what appeared to be some sort of arena with shirtless men prepared to fight.

Yato moved closer to his girlfriend, sitting behind her and putting his legs on either side of her. Hiyori noticed this, but kept her focus on the television and moved to sit closer to her boyfriend. The announcer on the TV called out a name that made Hiyori nearly squeal. "Up next: Touno!" The said man walked into the arena, getting ready to fight whatever opponent came his way.

Yato's curiosity was peaked, and he payed attention to the TV as well. The announcer called out the other fighter, and once the introductions were done, the fight began. Blows were traded and fists were swung. Yato was impressed. He could finally understand why Hiyori admires Touno. Through the entire fight, he maintains a winning hand. Hiyori was cheering throughout the whole match.

After a couple of more blows, Touno knocked out his opponent with a roundhouse kick. Hiyori cheered loudly, and even Yato joined in. The former looked at him in confusion. "What? This some good stuff." Hiyori began giggling, a sound that made Yato smile. "I can see why you enjoy this." "I know, right?", said Hiyori, who turned back to the screen, excited for Touno's next fight.

Now both lovers stared intently at the TV, cheering Touno on as he fought every opponent that challenged him. Yato was even more fascinated. He had seen a lot of fights in the world of gods, but these fights were different. No supernatural powers, no mystic weapons, just natural skill and physicality. It was exciting. Almost as exciting as the uppercut Touno delivered.

"He wins again? Is this guy even human?", asked Yato. Hiyori giggled at her boyfriend's reactions. She placed a kiss on his cheek, making him look at her with a surprised expression. She simply returned a cheeky smile.

. . .

"That was fun. Really", said Yato. "Really really?", asked Hiyori. "You're not just saying that to make me happy?" "No! I really mean it! That Touno guy is a beast! I've only ever seen gods punch like that!" Hiyori giggled. Yato's behavior was just the confirmation she needed to show that he did enjoy watching Touno.

"Guess this means we have w common interest now", said Yato. "You'll let me know when Touno fights next, right?" Hiyori nodded. "Count on it!" "You sure? You won't get too excited and watch it without me?" Hiyori playfully punched her boyfriend's arm. Yato chuckled and pecked her lips. "See you tomorrow, Hiyori." "See you, Yato." The god walked through the door and kept walking until he was out of his lover's sight.

While he walked, Yato passed by a shop and noticed something in the window. "Is that...?" He pressed his face against the window. "That's a Touno poster!" The young man looked in his pockets and took out his money. "Yep! That's just about enough!" Yato walked into the shop, and about a few seconds later, he came out with the Touno poster. "I'll give this to Hiyori tomorrow", he said, then continued to walk back to his home.

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