In Love with a Maid (Yuuri x Lilith)

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Lilith was taking down the dry laundry and neatly placing them in the basket. Just as she was folding a bedsheet when she saw her young master staring at her from the doorway. She gave him a smile, but this in turn only made him run away. The young woman didn't mind. This was natural for the boy. After all, he was suspicious of her.

Or at least, he was suspicious of her.

Over time, the two formed a healthy bond to one another. Yuuri had opened up to Lilith a lot more, but recently he had kept to himself a lot. He was still friendly with his maid, of course, only it always seemed he had trouble just looking at her. In all honesty, Lilith felt a little hurt.

The maid had finished her job, and made her way back into the mansion, where Yuuri stood and waited. "Can I help with that?", he asked, referring to the laundry basket Lilith was carrying. The way he asked contained a hint of dedication and excitement, as if he really wanted to do it.

Lilith chuckled and handed to basket to Yuuri, who carried it with some struggle. "You got it?" "Yep." Lilith watched the little boy walking ahead, feeling a little worried. She always did whenever he didn't suspect her or call her suspicious.

She hated worrying about him, but recently he has made it so hard for her not to do so. She wished he would open up to her. She would even do it too. It's what will.... Lilith shook her head, clearing it of any intrusive thoughts.

"I can't think that way. I shouldn't." Yuuri looked back at his maid and saw the look on her face. "Are you okay?", he asked. Lilith looked at him, realizing that he may have noticed her behavior. "I'm okay, Yuuri. Perfectly fine." Yuuri stared at the young woman, and did so for a while before he became flustered from the mesmerizing sight of her purple eyes.

He dashed back to the laundry. He glanced over his shoulder with a shy smile, then walked away. Before that smile, Lilith had thought her young master reverted back to his old self. But clearly she was wrong. "I should talk to him", she said to herself. "There has to be something wrong with him. He isn't acting like himself. Well, not completely like himself, anyway."

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Yuuri grabbed his chest to stop his rapid heartbeat. "I'll never get used to her eyes", the blonde boy said to himself, thinking back to the purple irises of his maid. The image that appeared in his mind made him blush and his heart beat faster. He shook his head to snap out of his thoughts and picked the laundry back up.

Little did the little boy know, the woman he was just thinking about had been standing around the corner and heard what he had to say, and it made her blush.

. . .

Yuuri sat in his bed, a manga in his hands and his eyes glued to the pages.

From outside his room, Lilith approached his door, a concerned look on her face. She was scared to open the door, since she could see something bad. But regardless, she did it anyway. Upon hearing the twist and turn of the doorknob, Yuuri quickly closed and hid away his manga. The door opened and Lilith walked in, seeing her young master sitting on his bed and appearing as if he was hiding something. This made her more worried.

"Hi, Yuuri." "H-hey Lilith." The young woman took a seat on the boy's bed, and noticed the manga in between the bed and bedside table. She picked it up, and inspected it, making the blonde boy next to her tense up a bit.

"This looks like a romance story. Didn't know you were interested in those kinds of things", said the young woman. Yuuri blushed a bit, but didn't snap back at his maid while flustered as he would normally do. Lilith sighed and closed the book and put it down on the table. "Yuuri... is something going on?" "Huh?" "You haven't been yourself lately. Well, not completely yourself." Yuuri tilted his head, not understanding his maid's words.

"You don't call me suspicious anymore", said Lilith. "I... miss it when you do that." Yuuri looked down at his lap with a saddened look. "I'm... sorry. I just thought me saying all that would hurt your feelings." Lilith pat the little boy's head. "You never hurt my feelings. In fact, I find everything you say cute." Yuuri gave his maid a smile, and in turn her heart began to skip a few beats. She put a hand to her chest to calm it down.

"Is something wrong with your heart?", asked Yuuri in a panic. "Nothing is wrong. It was just beating faster than usual", explained Lilith. "Wait, are you in love?" Hearing the boy say this made Lilith flustered. "Does he know?", she thought. "W-what makes you think that?" Yuuri pointed at the manga he was reading. "It says that when your heart beats really fast, it means you're in love."

Lilith looked to the side bashfully. "What else did the book tell you?" "Well, it says that when you're in love you always want to be with the person you like. And that you always want to make them happy. It also feels like butterflies are in your stomach when you're in love." Lilith chuckled. "That book says quite a lot, doesn't it?" Yuuri nodded.

"But the people are always afraid to confess their feelings. Because they are afraid that they won't be friends anymore. That the other one will hate them." Lilith sighed and patted Yuuri's head again. "This is all a bit much for you, Yuuri. It's better to wait until you are a little older to understand these things." "What's there to understand?", asked Yuuri. "It's just falling in love?"

Lilith giggled. "Love is just complicated. Always has been. Sometimes it's just best to accept that you've fallen for someone", she said while looking at Yuuri with a loving expression. "Honesty is the best policy after all." Yuuri glanced at his manga, recalling a certain page he read before. One where the character confessed their feelings regardless of their fears. Because they needed to know.

He needed to know.

"Lilith...." "What is it, Yuuri?" The little boy lunged in and hugged his maid, taking her by surprise. "I'm in love with you."

Lilith was shocked. "What?" "Every time I look at you, my heart beats really fast and it feels like butterflies are in my stomach. I love watching you smile, and I want to keep making you smile. And it's okay if you don't like me back. I just wanted you to know."

Lilith was completely shocked. She didn't know what to do except softly smile and return the hug her young master was giving her. "Tell me more about this story that you were reading." "Well, the couple are completely opposite of each other. So when they started dating, they kept it a secret. Only a few people know about them, though."

The maid and her master pulled out of the hug and exchanged eye contact. "Then how about we try it?", asked Lilith. "How about we date in secret?" "Really?", asked Yuuri. "Wait, but are you in love with me? Because you can't do this if you aren't in love with me." "I am, Yuuri. I am in love with you", said Lilith.

A big smile grew on Yuuri's face, before it switched to a questioning one. "Can we kiss? Because that's supposed to happen after saying we love each other." Lilith giggled, making her new lover blush at the sound of it. "Yes. We may kiss." Hearing this made Yuuri excited, but also a little bit nervous, as this was his first kiss.

He thought back yet again to a page of the manga, particularly on how the two main love interests shared a kiss. The blonde boy looked into his maid's eyes, then rested his hand on the side of her face. He slowly leaned in, while his lover closed her eyes and prepared her lips. The boy's lips touched the maid's, officially having his first kiss. Neither of them moved. They both stood still, only allowing their lips to just stick together. After about three seconds, Yuuri pulled away panting. "Sorry, I was running out of breath."

Lilith giggled. "It's okay. I understand. But that was a good kiss." "I learned it from the manga." "Maybe I should give it a read sometime then." Yuuri rested his head in her chest, and she rested her head on top of his. "So are we couple?", asked the boy. "Yes we are", said the young woman. "We are now a couple." Lilith then looked into her new lover's eyes. "But I am also still your maid. So I am going to keep doing the chores around the mansion, okay?" Yuuri nodded. His lover smiled and pecked his lips. "I am going to go make us some dinner."

Lilith left the room, feeling her heartbeat. She was so happy. Happy that she could come clean about her feelings for her younger master. And even more happy that he accepted her. "Guess this means I have to look after him more than ever now", she said to herself. She laughed lightly and made her way to the kitchen.

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