Wonderland (Kokonotsu x Hotaru x Saya)

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Last one shot for Halloween.

Saya opened up the front door and walked into the house, having left earlier to help her idiot brother out of trouble yet again. This time it was trouble with Halloween decorations. Speaking of decorations, that's what she walked in on in her house. The dining table had been decorated as if it was prepared for a Victorian tea party. In fact, in one of the chairs was a brown stuffed rabbit.

From the garden, the door opened and Hotaru popped in. "Saya!" The purple haired woman ran to her wife and gave her hug along with a kiss on the cheek. "Hotaru, what are you doing?", asked Saya while she inspected the aforementioned woman's costume, which consisted of white stockings, a dark purple skirt, a yellow vest with a red bowtie, a red coat, and then a headband with rabbit ears.

"I'm decorating the house for Halloween!", explained Hotaru. It was no surprise she was excited. She was a fan of sweets, and Halloween was a holiday that was packed with it. Saya looked around the house, seeing the weird decorations Hotaru had set up. "Is there supposed to be a theme, or..." "Alice in Wonderland", answered Hotaru. "I'm the white rabbit."

Hotaru walked over to her wife and poked her finger into her chest. "And you are going to be Alice." Saya was confused. "What? Why me?" "Because you've got the hair color for it. Besides, I already bought the costumes." Saya sighed, then realized what Hotaru said. "Costumes? As in plural?" "Yep! I bought Kokonotsu one too! He's going to be the Mad Hatter!"

Saya looked up in thought, then shrugged. "Okay. Let's do this then."

. . .

Kokonotsu made his way home with a bunch of bags of candy in his backseat. He had hoped that by the time he was at his house that Hotaru wouldn't eat it all and leave some for the trick or treaters. It was a mystery how her teeth are still intact even from practically only eating candy literally her entire life.

He finally arrived at his home, and became quite surprised by what he was met with.

There were giant flowers on the front porch with faces, as well as giant mushrooms with a big blue worm on one of them. On top of the front door was a cat with a big smile. "What the heck?", Kokonotsu said. He got out of his car and made his way towards his home.

He opened the door, and saw the decorations were just as weird inside as they were outside. He looked at the dining to see his two wives sitting and drinking tea. They noticed him and gave him a smile. "What's all this?" "Halloween decorations", answered Saya. "I know that, but what exactly is our house supposed to be now?" "Guess", said Hotaru.

Kokonotsu looked around, hoping he could get a hint, but nothing. He shrugged at his two wives. "You really don't know?", asked Saya. "It's Alice in Wonderland." "Oh", said Kokonotsu.

"Oh? Oh?! It was literally a Disney movie!", exclaimed Hotaru. "We watched it the other night." "You're going to need to expand your horizons as a manga artist, Kokonotsu", said Saya. The young man chuckled. "Would you forgive me if I gave you some candy?" Hotaru's eyes widened. She cleared her throat and walked to her husband. She placed a kiss on his cheek and giggled. "Forgiven and forgotten." Kokonotsu reached into one of the bags of candy and took out a candy bar, and watched as Hotaru wasted no time in devouring it.

"You still need to put on your costume", said Saya. "It's in the bedroom." Kokonotsu nodded and walked up the stairs towards his and his wives' bedroom. "I wonder what he's going to look like", said Saya. "He's gonna look cute", said Hotaru with absolute certainty as if she saw into the future. "How do you know?", asked her wife. "Because he's always cute. Doesn't matter in the end what he wears", said Hotaru. Saya chuckled. "I guess you're not wrong there." The two women then heard the bedroom door open.

Kokonotsu walked down the stairs, dressed in a green formal suit with a polka dotted bowtie. Once he reached the foot of the stairs, he inspected himself. "Told you he'd look cute", said Hotaru. Saya giggled and nodded. "Um...", began the two women's husband. "I'm supposed to be the Mad Hatter, right? So where's my hat?" Hotaru and Saya looked at each other. "Must've dropped it", said the former. Saya looked around, until she spotted the aforementioned hat on the floor. "Found it." The faun haired woman picked it up and offered it to Kokonotsu.

He took it and placed it on top of his head. "How do I look?" "Like the Nad Hatter", answered Saya. "A very cute Mad Hatter", said Hotaru. Kokonotsu scratched the back of his head. "I'm not that cute." "Sure you are. If you weren't, then I wouldn't do... this!", said Hotaru as she grabbed her husband and attacked his face with kisses. This forced a laugh out of him.

"Don't forget about me", said Saya as she joined her wife in kissing her husband all over his face.

. . .

It was the night of Halloween, and kids were running around, dressed in costumes and collecting candy from every house they were visiting. One of these houses being the Shikada residence.

Saya approached the door as a ring from the bell was heard. She opened it and greeted the kids before her. "Trick or treat!", they chanted. Saya chuckled and went to get the candy for the kids, until Hotaru ran out from nowhere. "I'm late!", she exclaimed, holding a pocket watch in her hand. The kids roared in laughter at the purple haired woman's performance. Kokonotsu joined Saya with a tea cup and teapot.

"Who wants tea?", he asked. The kids laughed in unison. "We want candy!" "Then here you go." Kokonotsu took off his hat and took out bags of candies he hid in there. "Thank you!", one of the kids said.

"I'm late!", said Hotaru as she ran past one last time to make the children laugh before the left.

"Sorry for stealing your spotlight", said Kokonotsu. "It's fine", said Saya. "Liked the thing you did with the hat, by the way." "Thanks." "What did you guys think of my performance?", asked Hotaru. "It was pretty good", said Kokonotsu, giving his wife a slow clap. "Thank you. Now, can I have a sweet?"

Saya sighed and took out a lollipop, tossing it to her wife. "Happy Halloween, Hotaru", said the fawn haired woman. Hotaru ran to her wife and husband and gave them a hug. "Happy Halloween", she said, then kissed her two lovers on the cheeks.

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