Batman and Catwoman (Tadakomi)

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Since Halloween is getting hyped up due to it being October, might as well make some Halloween one shots.

"Whaddup Tadano!", greeted Najimi as they bursted through the front door of the Tadano residence. "You didn't even knock", mumbled Hitohito. "Whatcha gonna wear?", Najimi asked. Hitohito looked at them with a confused look. "For the Halloween party, dummy! What costume are you gonna wear?" Hitohito scratched his cheek. "Shouko... wanted to do a couples costume."

"Awww!", gushed Najimi. "So? What are you gonna be? A princess and her knight in shining armor? Romeo and Juliet? Frankenstein's monster and his bride?" "Shouko suggested Batman", answered Hitohito. "We were watching one of the shows. She thought it would be fun to go as Batman and Catwoman for Halloween." "Catwoman, you say?", said Najimi with a mischievous grin.

Before Hitohito knew it, they were out the door, leaving the young man worrying about whatever scheme they have planned.

. . .

Shouko's head turned to the front door, where a bunch of knocks were coming from.

The quiet girl walked to it and opened it, seeing none other than Najimi. "Hiya Komi!" The said girl waved her hand a little bit. "Say, I just talked to Tadano, and he's said something about you and him doing couples costumes. And if I recall, it was something along the lines of Batman and Catwoman?" Shouko nodded, not noticing the scheming look on Najimi's face.

"Well, I just so happen to have just the costume for you." Shouko practically lit up from hearing this. Najimi brought out a bag that they were hiding behind their back. "I had been considering dressing up as Catwoman myself, but after hearing Tadano's story, I thought you could use it", they said, obviously lying. The truth is, they just have a collection of skimpy costumes ready to give Shouko and make Hitohito a flustered mess.

Shouko excitedly took the bag and gave a thankful nod to her friend. "Welp, wish I could stay and chat, but I gotta go get my own costume ready. See ya!" Shouko waved goodbye to Najimi, then closed the door. As soon as that was done, she ran to her room and took out the Catwoman costume. She reached for her phone, wanting to take a picture for Hitohito, before reconsidering that it might be better to surprise him.

Shouko then stood up and began to undress, taking off her clothes so that she could put on her costume for Halloween.

. . .

Hitohito repositioned the mask on his face, making sure it wasn't skew in any way. "Hey, bro...", came Hitomi before seeing her brother's costume, consisting of a Batman t-shirt and a Batman mask. "Is that supposed to be Batman?" "What is it?", asked Hitohito. "Oh yeah. Your girlfriend is here." Hitohito had a bright smile appear on his face as he went to go greet Shouko. As he opened the door, he froze in shock.

Before him stood Shouko in her Catwoman costume. It was made of leather, and rested tightly against her body. There was a zipper in the front, but it didn't go up all way. Thus, Hitohito's eyes, upon first sight, landed directly on her exposed cleavage. Shouko cluelessly smiled at her boyfriend, unaware of what made him so shocked.

"S-Shouko... w-w-where did you get that costume?", he asked. The girl beamed at him, and though she didn't speak, Hitohito, being her boyfriend, knew what her answer would've been had she spoken: Najimi.

"I should've known", Hitohito mumbled. Shouko made a worried expression as she looked down at herself. "N-no! I like it! It's just... not what I was expecting!", said Hitohito. "Oh, you like it huh?", asked Hitomi with smug grin. "I think I can guess why." Hitohito looked down at the floor completely flustered. 

Shouko took his hand and dragged him out, pointing out at the horizon. "Okay. Let's go I guess", said Hitohito. His lover smiled excitedly, and together they walked off. "Have fun you two!", Hitomi called out.

Hitohito and Shouko walked down the street together, hand in hand. The former looked around, seeing some people gawking at his girlfriend. Some were lustful, but most of them were looks of jealousy, due to him being the lucky one to be the boyfriend of a girl who was so unbelievably drop dead gorgeous.

"Not going to lie, I kinda feel out of place", said Hitohito. Shouko tilted her head in confusion. "I mean, your costume is actually all out, but me... I don't really look like Batman." Shouko smiled and snuggled into her boyfriend's shoulder. He blushed a bit, due to his arm touching the side of her breast, but was still grateful for her heartfelt act. The moment was then interrupted by the cry of little boy. "I said you can't have it!" Shouko and Hitohito went to go investigate, and saw two trick-or-treaters being bullied by another one.

"Give me your candy!", the bully, who wore a pirate costume, demanded. The two boys, one dressed as a ghost and the other a robot, cowered in fear. "You asked for it", the bully said, slamming his fist into his palm. "Hey!", Hitohito called out. "Leave them alone!" The bully turned to him. "Or what?" Hitohito walked over to him. "If you want candy, go ask trick-or-treat like everyone else." "You're not the boss of me!" Hitohito sighed and delivered a chop to the boys head. "Whatcha do that for?!" "Because you're being a jerk", said Hitohito.

The bully scoffed. "Whatever", he said, before stomping off. The two trick-or-treaters he was picking on approached Hitohito. "Thanks mister!", said the boy in the ghost costume. "You really are Batman!", said the boy in the robot costume. Hitohito gave them a smile and greeted them. He walked back to Shouko, who smiled at him. "I guess the costume isn't so bad", he said while chuckling. His girlfriend took his hand placed a kiss on his cheek. The couple then continued walking to the party.

. . .

Hitohito and Shouko arrive at the house where the party was being held. Hitohito took out his phone. "We're just on time." They walked to the front door and entered the house. Suddenly, a hand was placed on each of their shoulders, courtesy of Najimi, who was dressed as the Joker. "Well, if it isn't my two favorite people! You guys made it!" Hitohito glared at them.

"Was this you?", he said, pointing at Shouko. "Maybe~", Najime answered, a cheeky grin on their face. "But you can't say you don't like it." Hitohito was about to say something, but stayed silent. Shouko merely looked at her boyfriend, completely clueless of what was going on.

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