A Walk Along the Beach (Shido x Tohka)

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Shido carried the luggage while his girlfriend looked on at the place they would be staying at for their romantic getaway. "We have this whole place to ourselves?", she asked. Her shock was justified, considering how big the place was. Shido payed fifty percent for it with his savings, while Kotori payed for the rest. The redhead was told that she didn't need to, but she insisted.

"And it's so close to the sea!", exclaimed Tohka. "I wanna see what the view is like from inside!" Shido chuckled. "You can go inside. I'm not stopping you." The young woman excitedly dashed inside the beach house, staring at the interior in awe and wonder the same way she would look at food.

Shido had just walked in as well, placing the luggage down onto the floor. Before he could stretch his arms, his girlfriend jumped at him and hugged him as if he were some gargantuan teddy bear. "I love it here!" "We haven't even been here long", said Shido, his voice strained due feeling his ribs on the verge of being crushed. Tohka could hear her boyfriend's voice, and knew it was time to let him go. "Sorry." Shido chuckled and patted his girlfriend's head.

"Wanna go see what the rest of the place looks like?" Tohka nodded excitedly. As she dashed to the next room, Shido rested his hand on the exterior of his left pocket, feeling if a certain object was still intact and in place. Luckily for him, it was.

. . .

Shido stepped into the shower. Just as he closed the curtain, it opened again, just a tad bit enough for Tohka to peek her head in. "Can I join you?", she asked him. Shido wasn't even flustered. Him and the young woman have been together for three years, so moments like these weren't too much for him or her. He smiled at her and nodded. "Of course. How can I say no?"

One of Tohka's iconic bright smiles grew on her face. She pulled her head away, and began to undress herself. Once she was fully in the nude, she joined her lover in the blissfully warm shower. "Want me to scrub your back?", Shido asked. Tohka turned around, showing off her back for her boyfriend. He poured some shampoo on the scrub and started washing Tohka's back.

She hummed at the pleasing feeling on her skin. Shido continued this process until it appeared as if Tohka's back was completely devoid of any dirty spots. The young woman then turned around to face her lover. She took the scrub and poured some more shampoo onto it, then began washing Shido's chest. He had the same reaction she had when he was washing her back.

"Hey, I was thinking", began Shido. "When we're done here, do you maybe want to go for a walk along the beach?" "In the night?", asked Tohka. "Yeah. I mean, sure it's late, but that just means there won't be any people. We'll have the beach all to ourselves. Just you and me. Romantic, don't you think?" Tohka's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson at her lover's suggestion.

"I'd like that. I'd like that a lot", she said. She then placed a soft kiss on Shido's lips. He laughed lightly and rubbed his nose against hers. "Can I wash your back?", Tohka asked. Shido responded by turning around for her, then felt the scrub go up and down his back.

. . .

The gentle, cold breeze blew against the couple as they walked hand in hand along the sandy shores of the beach while dressed in kimonos.

"This is nice", said Tohka. "Can't believe I was reluctant to do this." "Believe it or not, I was kinda reluctant too", said Shido. "I mean, we just showered not too long ago, so being partially wet while being hit by a breeze isn't exactly a nice feeling." "At least these gowns are warm", said Tohka. "I can just sleep in them instead of under a blanket." Shido hugged her and felt the fabric of her kimono. "They're soft too."

Tohka blushed. "Shido... are you... trying to seduce me?" "I'm just snuggling your kimono", explained the young man. "Besides, I said before that we're still a little wet from the shower. We might catch a cold. Actually, scratch that, we'll definitely catch a cold." "You were the one seducing me", said Tohka. "No I wasn't. I just mentioned our reason why", said Shido. His lover looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Have I ever had a bad idea?", asked Shido. His girlfriend put a finger to her chin. "But what about that roller coaster?"

"That was all you, Tohka. I tried to tell you not to eat too much before going onto it, but..." "I get it", said Tohka, blushing with embarrassment as she looked to the side. "I don't think I've ever seen you throw up that much", said Shido. "Did you think it was disgusting? If so, why didn't you leave?", asked Tohka. "Because my girlfriend was having problems. I'm not going to leave her alone with that", answered Shido. Tohka looked at him and smiled. "You always say that." "Say what?" "That you will never leave me." Shido tilted his head. "Don't get me wrong. I love hearing you say that. It makes me feel loved. And it reminds me what an amazing boyfriend I've had for such a long time." "And one you will have for an even longer time", said Shido, making his lover's heart skip a beat.

"Tohka, everything you've said... I feel the same way." Tohka looked at her boyfriend confused. "Being with you makes me feel a joy that I just cannot measure", began Shido. "The thought of living without you scares me. But it won't ever be as scary as it actually happening." Shido chuckled. "I probably sound crazy, huh?" Tohka kissed his cheek and shook her head.

"It's okay. I guess we're both just having mutual feelings for each other." Shido looked deep into Tohka's eyes. "Do you mind if I make a selfish request?" "What is it?" "I want to stay with you forever." Tohka had a worrying smile on her face. "Shido, what's wrong? You're acting strange." "R-right. Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Shido stepped back a bit, and reached into his kimono.

"Tohka, I don't want to scare you, or force you into something you aren't ready for. But I want to do this...." "Do wha-?" Tohka went silent upon seeing Shido go down on his knee and hold out a tiny opened velvet box with ring inside of it. "Tohka... will you stay with me forever... as my wife?" Tohka was beyond speechless. Her hand was covering her mouth, and her eyes were wide. She remained like that for about three seconds. Shido stood up. "Right. Sorry. This is too much for you. I understand." "Yes", Tohka said quietly.

Shido looked at her in shock. "What was that?" "Yes", said Tohka. "Tohka, listen", said the young man. "I said I don't want to force you. You can be perfectly honest with...." "I am honest", said Tohka. "I want to be with you, Shido. I've dreamed about this moment ever since I fell in love with you." The said man blushed at his lover's words. "That's a pretty long time."

Tohka looked at Shido. "Yes! I want to marry you, Shido! I want to be your wife! I want you to be my husband! I want to start a family with you! I want to do everything it is married couples do with you! I want to..." Shido kissed his girlfriend on the lips. "Calm down. I hear you loud and clear." Tohka calmed down and nodded. "So you'll marry me?", asked her boyfriend.

She nodded, with a smile that shined as bright as the moon in the sky. "Yes. I will marry you." Shido smiled widely, then slid the finger on his girlfriend, now fiancée. Once it was on, Tohka lunged at him and kissed him deeply.

The two engaged lovers continued kissing, the moon and sound of the sea setting the mood.

"I know this kinda ruins the moment", said Shido after finishing kissing his fiancée. "But do you want to continue walking?" "Of course. It means I still get to be alone with you", said Tohka.

The couple joined hands again and continued their stroll along the shore.

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