Hands Off My Woman (Hananene)

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Warning! This is a lemon chapter!
Requested by @if8rjebfwuwo

Nene walked out of a clothing store by herself, and looked around the area. Her eyes finally landed on her boyfriend in the distance, and started to sprint towards him. As she did, she felt her foot hook to something and before she knew it, her body collapsed to the floor. An obnoxious laugh could be heard from beside her.

"Watch where you're going next time, lady." Nene looked to her side to see a man resting on a chair with his legs stretched out enough for someone to trip over them, which is exactly what happened. "Sir, do you mind watching your foot? Someone else could trip over it." "Then maybe they should watch where they're going. I can sit however the hell I want to sit."

Another figure joined the conversation. He crouched down to Nene, and helped her up a bit. "Amane?", asked the young woman. "Is there a problem?", asked the said man, who had a dark aura surrounding him as he stared at the man that tripped his girlfriend.

"Yeah", said the man. "This lady here says I can't sit here anymore. Just because she fell down." "Only because you tripped her", said Amane, standing up and staring down at the man. "So I recommend you apologize to her. Or else." "Apologize? She's the one that started it! Her and those fat ass legs of hers!"

Amane's eyes widened, and his fists clenched. "What did you say?" "What? You deaf or something? I said she's got fat legs! Look for yourself!", exclaimed the man while pointing at Nene.

Amane grabbed his finger and twisted it a bit, close to breaking it. "You do not want to make me angry." The man backed down. Once his finger was let go, he ran away. Amane turned back to his girlfriend, going from a murderous psychopath to a kindhearted man. "Are you okay?", he asked. Nene nodded, and allowed her boyfriend to help her back up. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

The young woman shook her head. Amane kissed the side of her head. "That's okay. You're cute just the way you are." The two lovers joined hands and walked on, intending to return home due to not finding what they were looking for. They arrived to their car, climbed in, and set a course for their house. "The nerve of some people", said Amane, referring to the man from earlier.

"Yeah", said Nene. Something was clearly on her mind, and her boyfriend noticed this. "What's wrong? Did that guys words get to you? Because you shouldn't allow that. He doesn't know you like I do." Nene didn't respond, only staring at her legs with insecurity. "Your legs aren't fat, Nene", said Amane. "They're perfect, okay? They are beautiful because they belong to someone who is beautiful."

Nene blushed at her lover's words. "You don't mean that", she said. Amane sighed in frustration. "Looks like words aren't going to convince you." The couple arrived at their house, where Amane exited the car with a brisk speed, walking to Nene's side, opened her door, then picked her up and carried her bridal style into the house. "A-Amane?!" "If nothing I say is gonna help you...."

Once the two lovers were inside the house, Nene was dropped onto the couch, watching Amane tower of her. "Then this will."

Lemon time

The young man captured his lover's lips, catching her by surprise before she melted into it. She could feel his tongue move roughly like a rapid wave inside of her mouth, quite literally nearly taking her breath away.

Amane's hands took hold of Nene's skirt with a rather aggressive movement. It was a wonder how the skirt didn't get torn into pieces. Nene felt those exact same hands go up her shirt and grab her breasts a little too hard. The young woman put her hands to her boyfriend's chest and pushed him away. "Do you really have to do this?!", she exclaimed. "I said my words weren't getting to you, so I thought I'd do this. What better way to show my love for your body than to make love to it, right?", explained Amane.

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