A Waltz in the Snow (Kotoumi)

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Kotori dried her hair off with the towel after her shower. As she entered her room, her phone vibrated against her desk. She picked it up, seeing that she was being called by her girlfriend, Umi.

The girl answered it, and held it to her ear. "Hello?" "Hi Kotori." "What's wrong?", asked Kotori, hearing Umi sounding reluctant for something. "Just... wondering if maybe you wanted to... go for a walk?" Kotori giggled, deciding to be a tease. "Is there something wrong with going on a walk with me?" "N-no!", exclaimed Umi. "It's just... the weather looks nice to do it, you know. Plus it's Christmas season, so we might get some pretty sights."

"And you're asking me this now? When you're clearly already prepared for it?", said Kotori as she looked out her window to see her girlfriend waiting outside for her. Umi looked up, seeing Kotori and giving her an awkward wave. The latter giggled. "Okay. Be there in a few minutes." Kotori ended the call, and then proceeded to get dressed.

Meanwhile, Umi smacked the palm of her hand against her forehead. "Stupid! Why did I ask her now? I was already dressed and everything! I should've asked her before coming here. If she had said no, then that would've been really awkward!"

After about a minute or two, Kotori came out dressed in a creamy yellow sweater covered by a neon green jacket with a very dark brown skirt to go with it. In her hand was a bag. "Let's go!", said ash grey haired girl as she grabbed her girlfriend's hand.

Their walk started off with a silence. It didn't bother Kotori, but Umi silently panicking. "I'm sorry about dragging you into this without asking. I mean, I did ask, but I did it a little too late, but...." The bluenette was silenced by a kiss to the cheek. "Stop being so hard on yourself Umi. You didn't do anything wrong", said Kotori. Her girlfriend smiled at hearing this.

"Now stop being so negative and have a fun time with me!" Umi chuckled and took her lover's hand, then continued walking. "So what are you getting me for Christmas?", asked Kotori. Her girlfriend laughed. "I'm not going to spoil the surprise." "It was worth a try." Umi laughed again, with Kotori doing the same. Their eyes then landed on a house that was decorated with lights.

"They're so pretty!", said Kotori, her eyes sparkling, though that was probably because it was reflecting the festive lights. Umi glanced at the bag in the ash grey haired girl's hand. "Um, Kotori, what's in the bag?" The said girl diverted her attention from the Christmas lights, looked at her girlfriend, then at her bag, then at her girlfriend. "Oh. Right. Almost forgot that I had this."

"What's in it?", asked Umi. She watched as Kotori reached in and took out something. It was slightly big with a red color. "I was gonna save this until later, but I guess now is a good a time as any", said Kotori while Umi stared at what was in her arms. It was a scarf. "I know it's plain and boring, but it's what came to mind, and I...." "Kotori, it's perfect", said Umi.

Kotori was shocked, then smiled. She approached her girlfriend and wrapped the scarf around her neck. "There. That should keep you warm." Umi smiled at her lover, and took a loose strand of the scarf to wrap it around the ash grey haired girl's neck. "Now we can both be warm." A light laugh was shared between the couple, which ended with a kiss from Umi on the side of Kotori's head. The latter then noticed something. "Look Umi! A snowman!", she exclaimed in excitement as she pointed at the snowman she was looking at.

"So? What about it?", asked Umi. "It looks so cute! Wait, can we build a snowman?", asked Kotori. "We don't have any decorations, though", said Umi. Her girlfriend slouched and groaned in disappointment. "Besides, if we built a snowman now, we'd have to separate from this comfortable position", said the blue haired girl as she snuggled close to her lover. This managed to cheer her up a bit. "When you put it like that, I guess I don't mind not having to build a snowman for now", said Kotori while hugging Umi's arm.

They both continue walking, passing by more houses that were decorated for Christmas season. Some fancy, some very colorful, and more. "By the way", spoke Kotori. "This scarf isn't your official gift. You're getting that on Christmas." Umi chuckled. "Now I'm really excited. Can't wait to see what I'm getting. Although, It's special because it's from you." Kotori giggled. "Stop. You're making me blush." Another laugh was shared between the girls. Once they stopped, Umi leaned in to give Kotori a kiss, which she accepted.

. . .

"That was fun", said Kotori. "The nighttime and snow really set the mood." "Glad you had fun", said Umi. "And thanks for the scarf. I promise not to lose it." "Promise?", asked Kotori, lifting her pinky. Umi wrapped her pinky around it, and their hands moved up and down.

"By the way, if you aren't busy tomorrow...." Kotori tilted her head, ready to hear what her girlfriend had to say. "I could come over tomorrow to build a snowman with you." Kotori's eyes sparkled. She lunged at Umi and gave her a hug. "Yes! I would really love that!" The girl gave the bluenette a deep kiss. "See you tomorrow, Umi." Umi nodded. "Good night Kotori."

The two girls gave each other a wave, and with that, yet another of their love filled days had concluded.

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