Cozy Jacket (Kamina x Yoko)

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Kamina dug through the closet to find any piece of clothing suitable enough for him to wear for the current occasion. His hand landed on something long and brown, with a wooly interior. He pulled out the object, seeing that it was a jacket. "Wow. Where have you been all this time?", asked Kamina to no one in particular. The reason being because the jacket he was holding was on he hadn't worn in quite a long time. The blue haired man swung it over himself, and inspected himself in the mirror. "Still fits", he said.

His little moment was then interrupted by a rapid flurry of knocks at his front door. He walked there and opened it up, seeing a familiar redheaded beauty standing before him and shaking like she was standing on a massage chair. "Hey Yoko", said Kamina. "M-m-move!", exclaimed Yoko, shoving past her boyfriend into the house and relaxing once she stood in the middle of the room. "I love this house." "Because I'm here?", Kamina asked flirtatiously. "No, because it's warm in here and freezing out there", said Yoko.

"Ouch", said Kamina. His girlfriend looked down at her clothes in frustration. "And these clothes do jack." Yoko then looked at her blue haired boyfriend's outfit. "You're wearing it." Kamina looked at his jacket. "Yep. Guess it just felt like the right time to do it. If I remember correctly, you bought this for me on my birthday because you said it made me look like a badass jet pilot. I checked, and you were not wrong in the slightest." "Have I ever been wrong?", asked Yoko. Kamina tilted his head to the side.

"Well...." The young man could then feel a furious glare aiming in his direction, making him chuckle. He then walked to the door and offered out his hand. "Shall we go on our date?" Yoko groaned. "Can't we have our date here? You know, where it's warm?" Kamina shrugged. "You're right. We can spend a romantic day together here. In fact, how about we drink some hot cocoa."

Yoko smiled excitedly. "But I don't have any cocoa", continued Kamina. "Guess we're gonna have to go get some." Yoko groaned in annoyance. "We?" "Yeah. I don't want to go alone." Yoko backed away. "I am not going out there again." She moved back even more once she saw her boyfriend move closer towards her. "So you want me to be all by myself out there?", he asked.

"Don't give me that. You can take care of yourself", said Yoko. "But I don't know where the hot cocoa is." "It's not that hard to find. Just ask one of the employees if you can't find it." "But I don't trust strangers." Yoko glared at her boyfriend. She knew he was lying just so she would go with him. The red haired woman sighed to herself, and gave in to her lover's request.

"Let's go. But if I die from hypothermia, I'm haunting your ass." Kamina chuckled. "That ain't happening on my watch." The couple walked out the door, and Yoko had to keep herself from screaming as she felt the freezing cold air hit her body. Kamina remained unfazed by it. "How are you not feeling this?", his girlfriend asked him. He shrugged. "Guess I'm a superhuman."

The two lovers walked through the snow, a little slower than they expected to because of Yoko shivering nonstop. Kamina watched her and couldn't help but laugh, finding it entertaining much to his girlfriend's annoyance.

"Shut up! Why don't you take off that jacket of yours and see what it feels like!" Kamina kept laughing, before looking down at his jacket and opening it to see the size of the interior. When he was done, the bluenette turned to his girlfriend. "Come here." Yoko raised an eyebrow and eyed her lover suspiciously. Reluctantly, she walked closer until she was pressing against Kamina's body. The latter then enveloped her in his jacket.

"Better?", he asked. Yoko could feel her body growing considerably warm, and made a content sigh. "Yoko?" "Huh?" "I asked if you felt better." The redhead felt the warmth a little bit more, then nodded. "Much better. Thank you." Kamina smiled and placed a kiss on his girlfriend's head, and continued to walk with her in his jacket, even though the walk ended up looking more like a penguin that was waddling.

Yoko was about to mention this fact, but decided against it. Kamina didn't care about what people thought about him, and, ever since she begun dating him, neither did she. And it was their lack of caring about others' opinions that allowed them to have their own special moments to look back on and be happy about. And right now, they just had another additional moment to look back on one day and laugh about.

After a couple of minutes, they both arrived at the store, where Yoko reluctantly left the comfort of her boyfriend's jacket. Kamina noticed her hesitation and took her hand. "I can keep that warm at least." Yoko smiled at him and placed a kiss on his cheek. "Kinda wish I bought this jacket for me. It's so warm and cozy." "Then I'll buy you one in the future", said Kamina.

"Plus, if it's ever freezing, feel free to crawl back in here. I have no complaints." Yoko chuckled. "Perv." The couple shared a chuckle and set out to find what they came for. The walked through the aisle until they found the shelf where the hot chocolate was. Kamina reached up and grabbed the jar of the aforementioned content. "Grab another one", said Yoko. Kamina raised an eyebrow.

"If this weather gets any worse, I might just drink that whole damn thing in one day." Kamina chuckled. "Okay then." He grabbed another container of hot chocolate and walked with his girlfriend to the checkout. Once they were done, they made their way to the exit, where Yoko begrudgingly stepped outside. Kamina opened his jacket for her. "Come on."

Without even the slightest hint of hesitation, Yoko practically jumped into her boyfriend's jacket. "I feel like a kangaroo", said Kamina. "Good. Because you know I like kangaroos", said Yoko. "So you want me to hop all the way home?" "Don't be ridiculous." Kamina chuckled and placed a kiss on top of his girlfriend's head and walked with her back home.

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