Sick Abby (Makoto x Abigail)

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Makoto had finished up brushing his teeth, and turned to leave. His girlfriend then walked through the door, dark circles under her eyes and her skin paler than usual. "Abby?", asked Makoto, a hint of concern in his voice. The young woman didn't respond and poured water in the cup. Suddenly, she let out a loud wet cough. Makoto ran to her side to make sure she was fine.

Abigail raised her hand as a way to let her boyfriend know that she was fine. "Do you need anything?" "Nothing. I'm fine", said Abigail, sniffing. But Makoto stayed by her side, a worried look on his face. "I just choked on my spit. Nothing major." Makoto began to walk out of the bathroom, trusting Abigail's word. "Call me if you need anything", he said before walking through the door.

After a few minutes, Abigail finishes up her business in the bathroom and walks into the main room. "I heard the coughing, Abby. Did you choke on your spit again?", asked Makoto. Abigail sighed, then coughed again, then sneezed. When she turned to look back at Makoto, he had popped a thermometer into her mouth. She was too shocked to push him back.

"Hundred degrees. You really okay, Abby?", asked Makoto, crossing his arms and glaring like he was someone's parent. "Those things aren't always right you know", said Abby. "Enough excuses. You are staying in until you get better." "Better? Nothing is wrong with me to begin wi-!" Abigail's sentence was stopped by another cough. "You're going back to bed", said Makoto.

He walked towards his girlfriend, reaching to grab her arm. She grabbed his arm and attempted to flip him over, but unfortunately she was too weak to perform that action. Makoto picked her up bridal style and went back up to their room. "You're dead, Makoto." "If you don't take care of yourself properly, then you'll be the one who's dead." Abigail grumbled and stayed silent, realizing that she wasn't going change her boyfriend's mind.

They reached their room, where Abigail was rested on the bed. Makoto took out his phone to give the others a call. "Edamame! How are you this morning?", Laurent asked on the other end, with his usual cheery voice.

"Just calling to let you know that Abby won't becoming in today, since she's sick." Hearing Makoto use that word made Abigail roll her eyes. Makoto began to hear Laurent chuckle, then giggle, then burst into laughter. "What's so funny?", Makoto asked in annoyance. "Abby is sick? I wish you luck, Edamame!", Laurent said through fits of laughter before ending the call. "I really hate that guy", said Makoto.

"And I hate you", grumbled Abigail. Makoto sighed. "No you don't." "Yes I do. I told you I'm not sick, but you won't let it go! You're treating me like I'm some kid!" "Well you're acting like a kid, Abby." Abigail looked away and scoffed, then coughed again. "I'm gonna go make something to eat. Stay here", said Makoto. Despite being angry at him, Abigail listened and remained sitting on the bed, where she coughed again.

Makoto was in the kitchen, making a bowl of ramen for Abigail. While he waited for the kettle to finish boiling, he heard the said woman coughing in the other room, this time it sounded like it was getting worse. The kettle started whistling, and Makoto got straight to work. He put the ramen in the bowl, then tore open the flavor packet and poured the spice in, then finally added the boiling water. He put the bowl in the microwave, set it to two minutes, and waited patiently for it to finish as well.

Abigail lied in bed, her hand on her head as she let out a groan. "I hate being wrong", she said to no one in particular. The door opened, and Makoto came in with a bowl of ramen. There was even a bottle of medicine. "I brought it in case you decided to finally admit that you're sick", the man said. Abigail couldn't help but feel bad. She realized that she didn't exactly help much with her attitude. She took the bowl of ramen and ate. Makoto was about to leave, before being called back by Abigail. "I'm... I'm sorry."

Makoto walked closer to the bed, then sat down. He waited for what else his girlfriend had to say. "Don't make a big deal out of it, but you're right. I'm sick." Makoto smiled gently. "Then why put up such a fight?" Abigail looked to the side, an expression written on her face saying that her reason isn't exactly a nice one. "After what happened to my parents, I had to look out for myself. If I did get sick, I didn't care. No one was there to take care of me, so I had to get by my day while coughing or sneezing or whatever."

Makoto placed his hand on Abigail's. "Abby, that's when you were alone. But now you're not. I'm here. Hell, Laurent and the others are here. If you ever feel like this again, don't be afraid to accept some help." A tiny smile blessed Abigail's lips.

"Now eat your ramen. Then drink your medicine", said Makoto. "It tastes like shit", said Abigail. "That's how medicine works. Want me to get you something to wash the taste out?" "Yes please", replied Abigail with a smile. Makoto returned the gesture and walked out the room. Abigail then proceeded to finish her ramen.

. . .

Laurent stood outside the door and knocked in a rhythm. "Edamame~! Are you still alive?" The door opened, and Laurent was met with a glare from Makoto. "What do you want?" Laurent held out a shopping bag. "Some chicken soup. Helped me when I was sick. Good luck getting Abigail to eat it, though." "None needed", Abigail called from the living room. Laurent peeked in, and was surprised by the sight he was seeing.

Abigail was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket with a cup of coffee in her hands. Laurent looked at Makoto, wanting an answer. "She actually admitted to being sick. How about that?" Laurent chuckled. "I tip my hat to you, Edamame. You've tamed the beast." "Beast?", asked Abigail in a threatening tone. Laurent chuckled again and handed the bag of chicken soup to Makoto. "I should get going."

"Please do", said Makoto before the man before him walked away. He closed the door, put the bag on the table, and went to sit next to Abigail. "Now that that's out of the way, let's get started", said the young woman. Makoto picked up the remote and turned on the TV, and let his girlfriend snuggle closer to him. He'd probably get sick from her, yes, but right now, she looked cute snuggling up to him the way she was now.

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