Confessing to a Gamer (Hinanami)

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"Hey, Chiaki, I was wondering... no that's dumb", said Hajime as he was walking. "Do you wanna... no, that just sounds bad." The teen brushed his hand through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh. "Just let it flow, Hajime. Don't push it." He looked around, until finally spotting the location he was searching for: the water fountain. And even better, the person he was hoping to meet was there too. On the edge of the fountain, sitting with a small device in her hands, was the ultimate gamer, Chiaki Nanami.

Hajime straightened himself, took a deep a breath, and walked up towards the pink haired girl. "Hey, Chiaki", he greeted. "Hey", she greeted back, albeit with her eyes still glued to the screen. Hajime wasn't offended, though. He took a seat beside her, and watched as his friend, eyes still on her game, pulled something out of her pocket. It was another gameboy, one that had a dark grey color compared to Chiaki's pink one. Hajime activated it, linked with Chiaki, and began playing the same game she was playing with her.

There was a moment of silence, except for the soft wind blowing through the leaves and the sound effects of the video games the two high schoolers were playing. Hajime couldn't help but steal a few glances at the girl next to him. The girl he has been friends with since their first year. The girl who makes his heart skip an uncountable amount of heartbeats. The girl he had fallen in love with. "I just realized this will be the last time we come here", said the young man. "Really?", asked Chiaki. "Yep", said Hajime.

The pink haired girl looked at her surroundings. "That's going to take some getting used to." "Same with everything else", said Hajime. "I can't believe graduation is just around the corner." He looked at his crush. "You know, we don't have to stop seeing each other once school is over." Chiaki looked at her friend, confusion written all over her face. "What do you mean?"

"Well, most people don't see their classmates after graduation. But we don't have to do that. We can still see each other. Maybe find another fountain to play games at." Chiaki let out a light laugh. "I like that idea." Hajime began to feel nervous again. He looked ahead of himself, and sighed in determination. "Chiaki..." "Yes?" "There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

Chiaki paused her game, and looked at Hajime. Judging by his tone of voice, whatever he wanted to say was pretty important, and needed her full undivided attention.

"I've wanted to say this for three years now. Ever since we met. Well, actually a bit after that, but still", began Hajime.

Chiaki still listened intently. "I... I enjoy spending time with you. Heck, I love it. I want nothing more than to do that. Every day. For as long as you want me to." Chiaki began to feel a bit concerned. "Hajime, where is this going?" The said man sighed. "Alright. Here it goes. Chiaki... I like you. Like, like you like you." Chiaki was shocked. She just stared At Hajime with wide eyes.

Meanwhile, a strange feeling grew in her heart. One that has always been there. But now it had grown bigger, and had meaning. Chiaki had many conversations with her friends over this feeling, and they always gave her the same answer: she was in love. The girl didn't pay any mind to this, but now, with Hajime having confessed how he felt about her for the entirety of their school years, she finally knew. Knew the answer to a question she has had since falling for Hajime. Now wasn't one of those moments where she would end her sentences with an "I think" or a "maybe", but now with a "definitely".

"Look, you don't have to like me back that way, okay?", said Hajime. "Even if you don't feel that way, I just hope we can still be friends." Chiaki gave Hajime a smile. "I never said I didn't feel that way." Hajime's eyes widened. "I guess... no, I now know that I like you too. I have for a while. I just didn't know what to do with those feelings. I might be rusty...." "That's okay", said Hajime. "It won't make me like you less." Chiaki gave him a smile, which made his heart practically stop.

The young man looked down at the gamer's lips. He closed his eyes, and began to lean in. Chiaki, on the other hand, didn't know what was going on. "Hajime? What are you doing?" Hajime became flustered. "S-sorry. I was just... trying to kiss you." "Oh", responded Chiaki. Now it was her turn to lean in, as she placed a kiss on Hajime's lips. It wasn't a long kiss. It only lasted for literally one second, but was enough to make Hajime go completely red in the face.

"Hajime...." "Y-yeah?" "I'm not good at dating simulators." The young man laughed. "That's fine. Those are just games. This is real life." Chiaki smiled and rested her head on Hajime's shoulder. "So does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend?" "Yeah!", Hajime exclaimed excitedly, before clearing his throat. "I mean, that's how these things work, so yeah. But I mean, if you don't want to...." "No. I want to. I'd like to be your girlfriend."

Hajime literally cheered to himself in his mind. Then, he got an idea.

"Guess we need to go on our first date then. How about the arcade?" Chiaki's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? But I thought dates are supposed to...." "A date can be anywhere as long as we have a good time. I know you will." Chiaki jumped up and grabbed her new boyfriend's hand. "Let's go!"

Hajime couldn't help but smile as the girl dragged him along.

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