Nagatoro the Witch (Naganao)

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Since it's October, aka Spooktober, it would make sense to make Halloween one shots, right?

Hayase walked through the store, inspecting every nook and cranny of the costumes they were selling in honor of Halloween.

"Why not just wear that cat girl costume you occasionally wear?", asked Sakura. "Because Naoto has seen that a dozen times. I'm trying to surprise him, remember?", explained Hayase before continuing her search. It isn't an uncommon fact that she enjoys teasing her boyfriend. And on Halloween, it gets better. She can wear the skimpiest outfit just to make him flustered and find an excuse to tease him about being a pervert.

Yoshi noticed a hat with a big brim. She put it on and called out to Hayase. "Maybe you can be a witch!" The black haired girl thought about this suggestion. "How does the rest of the costume look?" "Like this", said Gamo with a sly grin as she presented Hayase with the rest of the witch costume.

The latter began to grin as well. "Oh, this is perfect."

. . .

Naoto was outside in the front yard, setting up a fake scarecrow. While he did this, Hayase was carefully sneaking past him into the house. Naoto turned around, noticing just a strand of his girlfriend's hair going through the door.

"Hayase?" The said girl heard Naoto's voice, and hurried up the stairs to their bedroom. Naoto saw her do this, and decided to let her be. Whatever her reason, she didn't want to see Naoto now.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned girl was in the room, taking out her costume. It had a purple witch's hat, a purple cape, purple knee length boots, and an orange leotard. She placed it onto the bed, and began to undress until she was completely naked. She took the witch costume and began to dress herself into it. Once she was done, she looked into the mirror to inspect herself.

"Oh yeah. Naoto's definitely gonna love this." "Love what?", came the muffled voice of the man from behind the door. Hayase chuckled mischievously to herself. "Get ready to find out." The dark skinned girl opened the door, striking a pose to show off her costume. Naoto's jaw practically hit the floor upon seeing what his girlfriend was wearing. "Like what you see, pervert?"

Naoto shook his head and diverted his attention to anything else other than his girlfriend's outfit. "It's too late to go back now. You already looked." Naoto felt himself lose his composure as Hayase stood close to him. "W-why are you wearing that?", he asked. "Because it's Halloween, obviously. Speaking of which, where's your costume, hm?" "I-I haven't decided mine y-yet", Naoto stuttered.

"Then decide. You're wasting too much time staring at me, you disgusting perv", said Hayase. She pushed past her boyfriend and walked down the stairs. "Wait, you're actually going to wear that?", asked Naoto. "Is there a problem?", asked Hayase. "Y-you'll be wearing that in public!" "So? Everyone else wears stuff just like this out on the street during this time of the year."

Naoto couldn't think of a suitable argument to use. Then again, he should know there is no way of doing so with Hayase of all people.

. . .

Naoto stared out the window at all the kids who were collecting candy from everyone's houses. Hayase came into the room with a bowl full of candy before her eyes fell onto her boyfriend's outfit. "What are you supposed to be?"

Naoto was dressed in a brown vest, with slacks of the same color. Around the collars of the vest were short streamers sticking out to resemble straw. His face was painted with a sandy color, while black paint was around his mouth and eyes. He wore a hat on his head as well.

"I'm a scarecrow", he says. "You had all that ready? I thought you said you hadn't decided what dress up as yet", said Hayase. "I forgot", said Naoto bashfully. "Because you were too busy staring at my costume?" The young man said nothing, while his girlfriend giggled cheekily. He looked out the window, seeing kids approaching their house. "Trick or treaters", he simply said. Hayase walked over to the door with the bowl of candy.

"Trick or treat!", the kids cheered. "Here you go!", said Hayase happily as she handed out candy to the kids. They all thanked her and went off to continue their trick-or-treating. "See? No one has a problem with my costume", said Hayase. "They were kids", answered Naoto. "So?", asked his girlfriend. He decided to stay quiet.

The night continued normally, with kids showing up to collect candy and Hayase handing them out. Then things got a little interesting when a group of young man spotted Hayase while she was giving out candy. They called out to her and began flirting. "You got any treats for us, baby?", one of them called out. Naoto groaned in anger at what he said. Hayase heard it and smirked. "Sorry boys. I'm already taken." Naoto couldn't help but smile at the sounds of disappointment the guys made upon hearing what his lover said.

Hayase closed the door and looked at her boyfriend. "Happy?" Naoto nodded. The girl took out a candy from the bowl and began to unwrap it. She took off her hat and slammed it onto Naoto's head, blocking his vision. Just as he lifted it up, Hayase kissed him deeply, which he happily returned. But then he tasted something different. Something like chocolate. After the couple separated from the kiss, Hayase showed Naoto the wrapper of the candy she took, making the young man realize his girlfriend had just put a chocolate ball in his mouth through kissing him.

"You are such a handful", Naoto said. "But you still love me", said Hayase, acting innocent. "Always will", answered Naoto.

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