Working Late (Komamiki)

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Mikan placed her phone down after sending a text message, a look of disappointment on her face. She was just given the night shift at the hospital yet again, meaning she couldn't go home to her husband and son. The thought of the looks on their faces made her even more sad. She had to work late at the hospital for the past week, meaning she has barely seen her family during that time.

Now, Nagito had told her that it was all fine. That she was working late to help sick people. It was an admirable job, he would always say. But that didn't get rid of Mikan's feelings of guilt. As the nurse walked down the hall, she heard the sound of an infant. But it didn't come from any of the hospital rooms. It sounded more like it was coming from the main entrance.

As the woman made her way to the said location, she heard another voice. One that sounded familiar. As she arrived at the main hall, she saw her suspicions were correct. "Hi, Honey", greeted Nagito. In front of him was a stroller containing his and Mikan's six month old son, Haritsu. "N-Nagito?", said the shocked woman. "What are you doing here?" "Coming to see my wife, of course."

"B-but...." Mikan was silenced by her lover putting his index finger on her lips. "I know what you're going to say, but that won't change my mind." The man brought his wife in for a hug. "I've missed you." Mikan snuggled into Nagito's chest, smiling. "I missed you too." The couple continued hugging each other softly, until their moment was interrupted by a soft gurgle.

Mikan giggled and walked over to her infant son. "Hi, sweetie." She picked up the baby and cradled him in her arms. He bore some similarities to his mother, in terms of eye color and hair color. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" "He didn't want to", said Nagito. "He didn't want to go to bed without his mom." Mikan wiggled her finger in front of Haritsu's nose. "Well, here's Mommy now." The baby grabbed his mother's finger with a little giggle, which the woman returned. "I'll be right back", said Nagito as he walked out the door.

Mikan continued to cradle her child in her arms. She enjoyed the warm feeling she was getting from the moment. After a long week, she finally got to see her baby boy again. Nagito returned to his family, holding a square box. He placed it down on the counter and opened it up, revealing a delicious pizza with melted cheese on its surface. "Just in case you didn't have any lunch, I brought some", explained Nagito. Mikan carefully handed Haritsu to him, and took a slice of pizza. After taking a bite, she sighed in contempt at its taste.

Nagito joined in after placing Haritsu in his stroller. "I'll feed him." "C-can I?", asked Mikan. Her husband looked at her. He realized that she wasn't able to feed their child for the last few days. He gave her a smile, and nodded. Mikan opened up the flap at the back of the stroller, where she took out a small jar of baby food and a spoon. She took of the lid, then scooped up some of the contents. "Here comes the airplane", said the nurse, moving the spoon towards Haritsu's mouth that was hanging open in anticipation.

The family enjoyed a few minutes of happiness with each other. A happiness they haven't had in a while.

"You didn't have to do this", said Mikan. "But I wanted to", said Nagito. His wife shook her head slowly. "I don't deserve you." "Really?", asked the man confused. "Mikan, you chose this job to save the lives of dozens of people. When you're at home, you are a soft, adorable, beautiful, and the most kindhearted person I know. If anything, it is me who doesn't deserve you."

"Agree to disagree", said Mikan before making a soft giggle that brought a smile to her lover's face. Haritsu groaned for more food, which his mother gladly gave. "But I think I speak for both of us when I say that we really didn't deserve this little guy." "We were lucky to have him in the first place", said Nagito. "Maybe your luck is rubbing off on us all", said Mikan.

The family enjoyed their meal together, not noticing the various members of the hospital staff passing by and smiling at the love the three of them had for one another. Mikan took another scoop of baby food, and gave it to Haritsu. After the baby swallowed it, his mouth opened again, this time from a yawn instead of from anticipation for food. "I think this little guy is tired", said Nagito. He picked up his son and rested his head on his shoulder, patting his back gently. "Maybe I should get home to put him to bed." Mikan brushed her hand on her infant son's head. "I think so too." Nagito looked at his wife with a sad smile.

The woman rested her hand on the side of his face. "It's okay. I'm just thankful I got to see the two of you." The couple leaned in and shared a heartfelt kiss. "I'll see you soon", said Nagito. "You can have some of the leftover pizza." "Thank you", said Mikan. Her husband placed Haritsu back into his stroller and drove him out the door.

. . .

It was morning yet again. Mikan's eyes opened just a crack, and sat up after hearing her phone vibrate. She picked it up, and upon reading the message from her boss, her eyes widened.

"You've worked hard the last couple of days", it read. "Take a few days off. You've earned it."

Mikan was so happy she could scream. She put her phone down and hugged her husband, who got startled awake. "Mikan? What's wrong?", asked Nagito. His wife, without letting him go, grabbed her phone and showed him the message. A big smile grew on his face, and he hugged his lover back. "About time." The moment didn't last long, as the sound of Haritsu crying from the other room ran throughout the hall.

"I have this", said Mikan. She moved out of the embrace, much to her husband's chagrin. But he smiled, knowing his son would finally get to see his mother in the morning.

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