Himiko's Secret (Oumeno)

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The school day had come to an end, and Himiko was putting all of her books and supplies in her bag. As she put away her last book, a purple haired boy rested on her desk. "Hey, Himi", greeted Kokichi. "Yes?", Himiko asked, knowing that the boy before her wanted something. "Now that's no way to speak to your boyfriend?" "It is when I know he's looking for something." "You got me", said Kokichi while lifting his hands in surrender. "I was just wondering if I can come by your house?" Himiko raised her eyebrow. "My house?"

"Yeah. We've been dating for a whole month, and I've never even been to your house. You've been to mine." Himiko looked away in embarrassment. "Unless you're trying to hide some big secret from me", said the purple haired boy with a sly grin. Himiko flicked her finger against his forehead. "Don't be ridiculous." "Then why haven't you ever invited me to your place?" Himiko looked away with embarrassment. She had her reasons, yes, but she knew that Kokichi wasn't going to let this go. "Fine", she said, making her boyfriend's eyes sparkle.

"Yes! Thank you, Himi!", said Kokichi as he hugged the redhead. "I promise you won't regret it", said Kokichi after he placed a kiss on his girlfriend's cheek. She blushed at this action. "Let's go then", she said, taking Kokichi's hand.

. . .

The two teens walked down the street, hand in hand. Himiko couldn't help but feel nostalgic from the little moment with Kokichi.

She remembered how her class had a party at one of their houses, and Kokichi had offered to take her home. It was on their walk where the purple haired boy had taken the opportunity to ask the girl out. She was so shocked by the act, that she instinctively just said yes. Lucky for her, it wasn't some practical joke, but genuine. Before long, they officially became a couple.

Himiko had a crush on Kokichi for a while. Getting the opportunity to date him was a dream cone true. She didn't want to lose that. Especially over what she was hiding in her house from him. The couple's walk came to an end when they reached their destination. "Here we are", said Himiko. "Home sweet home." "So this is the famous magical palace of Himiko Yumeno? Looks comfy", said Kokichi.

Himiko led her boyfriend inside to her house, where she looked inside to see if the coast was clear. "What's the hold up?", asked Kokichi. "N-nothing!", said Himiko as she let her boyfriend in. He looked around the place, swaying a bit as he did it. "Don't know why you made such a big deal about me coming here. This place is pretty okay." Himiko smiled awkwardly as she saw a card on the floor.

She quickly picked it up before Kokichi could notice. "So, what does my girlfriend like to do in her spare time?" "N-not much", said Himiko. Kokichi looked at her face closely. "Himi, are you lying to me? You know that's my thing, right?" Himiko looked away with embarrassment. Her boyfriend giggled and pinched her cheek. "You're just too cute, you know that?" Himiko grumbled at her boyfriend's comment.

"Now to go visit the one place that is the most important of this entire household", continued Kokichi. "To Himiko's room!" Himiko began freaking out upon hearing this. "Y-you don't want to go in there!" Kokichi looked at her with shit eating grin. "Really? What could be up there that you wish to hide from me so much?" "N-nothing! Yes, that's it! There isn't anything up there! Just boring stuff!" Kokichi tilted his head, his smile not leaving his face. "Remember what I said about lying, Himiko." The poor girl could feel herself sweating.

"If you thought you could keep me away from your room", said Kokichi, curling his finger and placing it under Himiko's chin. "You are surely mistaken." The purple haired boy turned around and dashed up the stairs to where Himiko's room was. "Kokichi!" The boy didn't listen, instead only humming cheerfully as he etched closer to the door leading to his girlfriend's room. His hand rested on the handle, giving it a twist. Himiko literally jumped forward, but it was too late. She landed on the floor of her bedroom.

She looked up, realizing that Kokichi had succeeded his mission. She turned her attention to him, a look of unimaginable embarrassment written all over her face. Kokichi seemed unfazed, looking around at his girlfriends room. The decorations had a heavy magical theme. There glow in the dark stars on the roof, posters of Harry Potter, Little Witch Academia and David Copperfield. There was a desk full of poker cards, a wand, and any kind of tool you would see a magician use. "So... this is what you were hiding?"

Himiko hid her face from embarrassment. Kokichi giggled, before turning his attention to the closet, where the sound of bumping was coming. "Oh? What do we have here?" "Don't!", exclaimed Himiko. But it was too late. Kokichi opened up the closet, and was tackled onto the floor. The boy endured licking on his face, as if he had just been tackled by a dog. Only it wasn't a dog. It was a white tiger cub.

"Sorry about him", said Himiko. "Himiko, you have a pet tiger?" The redhead looked away in embarrassment. "That's so cool!", chuckled Kokichi, petting the feline on the head to make it purr. "What's his name?" "Yuki", answered Himiko. "As in snow? Clever." Kokichi then looked at his girlfriend. "So this is what you were trying to hide from me?" Himiko looked down in shame.

"I just didn't want you to think I was weird." "Weird? Himiko, you know one of our classmates is literally obsessed with bugs, right? And then there's Angie who I bet is part of a cult, no offense. I could go on, but I guess you already get the idea. But on a side note, what is it exactly you were trying to hide from me? Other than having an awesome pet tiger, of course."

Himiko looked around her room. "I... I like magic." Kokichi looked around the room. "You know, I can actually see that. But what's so embarrassing about it?" Himiko brushed her hand down Yuki's back. "I guess you could say me liking magic goes beyond just, well, liking it. I'm obsessed with it. That's why I would love to be a professional magician one day." Kokichi listened to his girlfriend intently.

"It's weird. I know", said Himiko. "Do I need to mention our classmates again?", asked Kokichi. "Besides, I totally get it. You loving magic is like me loving grape panta. That's why I won't judge you at all. There is no point in taking something you love away from you." Hearing this made Himiko smile. Kokichi then looked at her desk. "So, how good are you at magic?"

. . .

Kokichi sat beside Yuki, watching his girlfriend standing before him holding a soft ball. "When you look at this ball, it seems pretty normal, right? Until this happens." Himiko squeezed the ball, and when she let go, there was now not one, but two balls. Kokichi clapped his hands excitedly. Next, Himiko took out a card. She bended it a bit, before releasing it and sending it flying towards Kokichi, before it stopped midair and spun back into Himiko's hand. Her boyfriend looked on in awe. "For my next trick, I'll need a volunteer."

Kokichi excitedly stood up and stood beside Himiko. She leaned in and gave him a kiss, surprising him. As she pulled away, their was a small purple cloth sticking out of his mouth. He pulled it out, only to see another cloth attached to it, then he pulled again and again, until their was entirety rope of colorful cloths.

Himiko gave her boyfriend a bow as he applauded her. "Now that is impressive. I gotta say, you are gonna go far, babe." The redhead blushed at his comment. "And don't worry. I won't tell anyone. This is your secret to tell."

Himiko placed a kiss on Kokichi's cheek. "Thank you." Yuki came over to the couple and rubbed his head against their legs.

"Wanna watch a movie?", asked Himiko. "Sure", answered Kokichi. "What did you have in mind?" "Have you watched Harry Potter?" "Not really no." The girl grabbed the boy's hand and dragged him to the living room. "That has got to change."

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