A Gift for Mom (Soma)

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Tis the season for Christmas one shots.

Soul looked to his girlfriend sitting next to him. There was a look on her face. One of deep thinking, confusion, concern. In all honesty, he didn't know, so there was only one way to find out. "Maka, you're making a weird face. What's up?" The girl sighed. "My mom is away for the holidays, so she isn't here for Christmas. I'm just thinking of sending her a Christmas card."

Soul raised his eyebrow. "For Christmas? A card?" "The card is attached to a gift, of course", said Maka while rolling her eyes. "But I've never sent a Christmas card before, so I really have no idea what to do." "It's a good thing I'm here then", said Soul. "My brother Wes sent Christmas cards every time he was away on tour. I'll help you out." Maka gave her boyfriend a smile.

"Thanks, Soul." "Not a problem. First things first, get off the couch." "What?", asked Maka, an angry look appearing on her face. "The first thing you gotta do to make a good Christmas card is get a good picture. It shows the person you're sending it to that you're having a good time. And I know a good scenery that doesn't involve this couch." Maka looked around the living room.

"Isn't here good enough? We already decorated for Christmas and everything." "Didn't you hear me just say 'good scenery'?", asked Soul. Maka sighed, then shrugged. "Fair enough." Soul offered her his hand, which she took and was lifted off from the couch. "So any ideas?", she asked. "I might have a pretty good one", said Soul, before dragging Maka along to the front door.

"So where are we going?", asked the girl. "It's a surprise", said her boyfriend. "But just know it is pretty festive." "Isn't the whole city like that this time of year?", she asked. Soul shrugged. "True. But still."

The couple walked into the streets, taking in the sights of citizens getting into the holiday spirit. People were in groups singing carols, children were playing in the snow, making snow angels, building snowmen, and throwing snowballs, and of course, the shops were filled to the brim with customers tracking down gifts for their friends and family. "Glad I don't have to be stuck in those stores", said Soul.

"You're gonna have to be, if you want to get presents for everyone", said Maka. "No I don't", Soul responded. "Not if I bought some stuff ahead of time." Maka looked at him surprised. "Look at you planning ahead." The young man shrugged. "What can I say, babe? You rubbed off on me." He looked ahead, then recognized the setting. "Looks like we're here." Maka checked her surroundings, realizing she too recognized it.

Standing in the middle of the street was a giant Christmas Tree, one decorated with the most mesmerizing of ornaments and lights. "I remember how you stared at that thing for hours", said Soul. "I mean... look at it", Maka replied. "It's beautiful. Wait, are we taking the picture here?" "Yep. A beautiful tree with an equally beautiful girl to go with it", said Soul. His girlfriend couldn't help but blush.

"Now we just need to somebody to...." Soul looked around, and spotted a woman. "Excuse me, ma'am. Could you take a picture for us quickly?" The woman looked at Soul, then at Maka, and smiled. She took Soul's phone and began to get the couple in the frame. "Get ready, Maka", said Soul as he hugged the said girl close to him.

"Here", said the lady, handing her scarf and Santa hat. "It might make the picture better." Soul looked at Maka, who gave a nod. "I like that idea." Soul turned back to the woman and took the two articles of clothing.

He put the hat on his head, and wrapped the scarf around himself and his lover. "Okay. We're ready", said Maka. The woman nodded and positioned the camera, snapping a picture once the two lovebirds were properly in the frame. "There you go." "Thanks, ma'am. Thanks for the props", said Soul, handing the hat and scarf back to the lady.

"You are very welcome", said the lady, giving Soul his phone back. "And happy holidays." Soul and Maka waved goodbye to the lady, and looked at their picture. "Just as I expected", said the young man. "Beautiful."

"My mom will love this", said Maka. "I know I do", her boyfriend said. "But before we go and make her that heartfelt Christmas card, how about a quick romantic walk?" Maka took Soul's hand. "No arguments here." The latter placed a loving kiss on her cheek, then proceeded to walk with her through the street.

. . .

A knock came at the door, making the woman open it. "Yes?", she asked. "Special delivery", said the delivery man, showing a package. "From a... Maka?" The woman smiled. "This is mine, yes." Mrs Albarn took the package, then greeted the delivery man. She took a seat, and opened the envelope, and what she saw made her smile.

Mrs Albarn placed the letter and picture to the side, and grabbed her phone

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Mrs Albarn placed the letter and picture to the side, and grabbed her phone.

. . .

Maka was resting her head on Soul's lap, watching TV with him when she heard a message come through her phone.

She opened it and saw a message from her mother. "Got your gift. Thank you so much, sweetheart", it read. A smile grew on Maka's face. "What's up?", asked Soul. "My mom got my gift", said Maka. "And?" "She loves it." Soul smiled smugly. "What did I tell you?" Maka smiled and hugged him. "Thanks. For helping with the gift." Soul smiled and kissed the side of her head. "Not a problem, Maka."

The two lovers then happily continued watching TV together.

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